Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Premise Amendment Allowing Restaurant To Use Shipping Container As Outdoor Bar

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/22/2022. One of the items they took up was a permanent premise amendment for the restaurant Area 509 that would allow them to add a shipping container to their premise so they could use the shipping container to serve […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives Police Department Update – Chief Thomas Discusses New Squad Car Design And Staffing Issues

During the 06/22/2022 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, Police Chief Todd Thomas provided a brief update regarding some of the things that are going on in the police department. Attached to the agenda was a picture of the new squad car design. The change was […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Taxicab Driver Application Until Next Meeting To Give Police More Time To Contact Applicant

The Safety and Licensing committee met 06/22/2022. It was a brief meeting, clocking in at under 10 minutes. I had been hoping that there might be an interesting discussion regarding the taxicab drivers license application, because it looked like Torrey, the applicant, had a somewhat […]

In Light Of Ongoing Legal Questions, Municipal Services Committee Holds Off On Voting To Create A Transportation Utility Until January of 2023

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/20/2022. One of the items they took up was the creation of a Transportation Utility. This had been an item for discussion during the 06/06/2022 committee meeting during which the committee members had generally expressed a desire to hold off […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Appleton Downtown Inc’s Request To Place Dumpster In Jones Park Parking Lot Without A Dumpster Enclosure

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/20/2022. One of the items they took up was the request from Appleton Downtown Inc for a waiver to allow for dumpsters to be placed on the city-owned parking lot without the required dumpster enclosure. This item was discussed during […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/22/2022 – Will Take Up Convicted Felon’s Taxi Driver Application

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/22/2022 at 5:30PM. They have several temporary alcohol license applications, a permanent premise amendment application, some mechanical amusement device license renewals, and a taxicab company license renewal. While most of the items seems pretty straightforward, the first action […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 06/22/2022 – Will Receive Presentation From Fox Cities Regional Partnership On Projects, Plans, Initiatives, And Direction

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 06/22/2022 at 4:30PM. They will not be taking up any action items; however, the one information item on the agenda looks to be potentially interesting. The committee will be receiving a presentation from the Fox Cities Regional […]

League Of Wisconsin Municipalities Executive Director Gives Presentation To Common Council, Touches On Leagues Plans To Advocate For Shared Revenue Reform

The Appleton Common Council met 06/15/2022. During that meeting, they received a presentation from Jerry Duschane, the Executive Director of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. Though not explicitly stated, my impression was that this presentation was prompted by the actions taken regarding the Water Main […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/21/2022 – Will Review May Ridership And Revenue, Receive Valley Transit II Update, Discuss Neenah Transit Center Relocation Study

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/21/2022 at 3PM. They only have one action item on the agenda which is the approval of the May 2022 payments. The other items are information items which include the May financial report and the May ridership report. […]