The Human Resource and Information Technology Committee is holding a special session 11/16/2022 at 6:15PM.
They will be voting on the alderperson salary for 2024. Specifically, they will be considering and voting on an amendment that was made by Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) during the 11/02/2022 Common Council meeting which was to remove the aldermanic parking pass benefit and increase the aldermanic salary by $480 which is the current dollar value of a parking pass which would be an increase of 7.1%.

Unrelated to this proposal, the aldermanic parking pass benefit was discussed in some detail during the 11/09/2022 special session of the Common Council. During that meeting, it was noted that not all alderpersons utilize the parking pass benefit. Those who do not, turn their parking passes in and the money that saves ends up being reallocated for other things. [Presumably, if the Council moved forward with removing the parking pass benefit in favor of increasing the aldermanic salary, there would be no future savings that could be reallocated to other city items.]
View full meeting details here:
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