The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/28/2922 at 5:30PM.
They will be voting on 3 alcohol license applications and a secondhand article dealer license application. They will also be voting on two grants, one for a Regional Radio Project and one for an Emergency Medical Service Flex Grant. The regional radio project was discussed during the 01/12/2022 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting.

The item that I would expect to result in the most discussion is Resolution 11-R-22, the Resolution in Support of Election Officials. If passed as written, this resolution would recognize the 2020 general election as “safe, secure, and accessible during the Covid-19 pandemic”, speak out against those in our society who “have attempted to bully, threaten, and undermine election administrators”, reaffirm the Common Council’s “conviction that nonpartisan election officials like our City Clerk and local election inspectors are best equipped to preside over free and fair elections, and should do so without the fear of threats and intimidation”, and express the Council’s opposition to “any future attempts to seize power over elections from municipal clerks to grant it to any partisan entity.” It would also resolve “that the Common Council of the City of Appleton expresses full confidence in our City Clerk, citizen election inspectors, and Wisconsin’s system of bipartisan election administration,” as well as resolve that they “support our friends and neighbors who serve as election inspectors and local election officials, including our City Clerk and city staff.”

Also of note, there are a surprising number of “sell to minor” liquor law violations that the Police Department will be reporting to the committee.

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