Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 08/08/2022 – Will Take Up Resolution Creating Sustainability and Climate Resilience Advisory Panel

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 08/08/2022 at 6:30PM. The agenda is relatively brief with only two action items and one routine information item, but the meeting will probably still take some time because the first action item is the Sustainability and Climate Resilience […]

Common Council Approves Holding Discussions Between City And Trout Museum About Building A Trout Museum Facility Within Ellen Kort Peace Park

The Common Council met 08/03/2022. One of the items they took up was the request for staff and Trout Museum of Art representatives to hold discussions on the possibility of building a new Trout Museum facility within the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. This […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 08/08/2022 – Will Take Up Variance Request For Driveway Extension, Review July Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 08/08/2022 at 4:30PM. The agenda is not too full and includes only two action items. The first action item is a variance request from a property owner to have a driveway widened more that 4 feet into the front […]

Alderperson Kristin Alfheim’s Invocation At 08/03/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Finding balance takes work. I challenge this council and our community to always put in the work to find balance as we move forward together.”

Council President Van Zeeland: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Alfheim. Alderperson Kristin Alfheim (District 11): Balance. Man Off Screen: Thirteen Alderperson Alfheim: She got me. Balance. What makes finding balance so difficult? Perhaps it’s that we have so many more things to consider […]

Common Council Votes 9-4 To Approve Marijuana Advisory Referendum For November Ballot

During the 08/03/2022 Common Council meeting, the Council voted 9-4 to approve putting an advisory referendum question on the November ballot asking Appleton residents whether or not they think marijuana should be legalized in Wisconsin. A number of news outlets have published articles about it, […]

Two Resolutions Introduced At 08/03/2022 Common Council Meeting – One Would Create A Sustainability And Resiliency Advisory Committee, The Other Would Explore Removing The Truck Route Designation From Lawe Street North Of College Avenue

Two resolutions were introduced during the 08/03/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution 9-R-22, the Sustainability Resolution, is cosponsored by Alderpersons Denise Fenton (District 6) and Kristine Alfheim (District 11). If passed it would create an advisory panel on sustainability and climate resilience which would “act as […]

Public Arts Committee Discusses Holding Photo Contest To Fill Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower – “Images that Define Appleton” Discussed As Possible Theme, Would Like Photos From Residents 18 And Younger

The Public Arts Committee met 08/03/2022. The main purpose of the meeting was to informally discuss plans for placing new images in the Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower. The current “Rhythms of the World” photos were placed there in Spring of 2022. Per City Planner Jessica […]

Board Of Education Reviews Draft Referendum Questions

During the upcoming 08/08/2022 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting, the Board will be voting on whether or not to approve the AASD capital and operating referendum questions for the November 2022 election. During the 07/25/2022 Board meeting, Superintendent Greg Hartjes reviewed the […]

Library Board Finance Committee Meeting 08/04/2022 – Will Vote On 2023 Budget

The Library Board Finance Committee is meeting 08/04/2022 at 9AM. They will be voting on the 2023 Library Operating Budget and receiving an overview of the city’s budget development process. The agenda packet includes an overview of the 2020-2022 budgets for comparison. View full meeting […]

Alderperson Van Zeeland Reminds Residents That The Council Vote This Evening On The Request To Discuss Building A Trout Museum Facility In Ellen Kort Peace Park Is Only A Vote To Discuss It Not To Approve Such A Project – “There is no project at this time”

Apparently, residents have been contacting the Common Council with questions and concerns about the possibility of the Trout Museum building a facility on the grounds of the Ellen Kort Peace Park. Council President Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) posted on her Facebook page to let […]