The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 07/11/2022 at 4:30PM.
There are two action items, both related to parking ramps.
The first is a 2022 parking ramp planning and design services contract. Last year, the city entered into a 5-year contract with Desman Design Management for planning, design, and administrative services related to the structural maintenance of the city’s public parking ramps. For 2022, the city would like Desman to provide a proposed scope of services and fee structure, including a physical inspection of all three city-owned ramps. This would be an update the condition report they had previously provided to the city.
The second action item is a request to approve a memorandum of understanding between the City of Appleton and the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce for Amenity Peninsula Beautification at the Green Parking Ramp.
The final item on the agenda is an information item which is probably the agenda item of most interest to the public. That is a status update regarding Resolution #7-R-22 which would modify the current street terrace policy, allowing residents to, amongst other things, plant vegetables and maintain plants of p to 4 feet high in the terraces.
Although the committee will not be voting on it, they will be receiving a staff update. Per the memo from Deputy Direct of Public Works Ross Buetow staff is currently reviewing the resolution and “will explore the potential benefits as well as any possible unintended consequences of the proposed changes.” Part of the review “will also include any potential safety or maintenance concerns or conflicts with City use of, and operations within the terrace area.”
They also want to provide an opportunity for incoming Director of Public Works Danielle Block to participate in the process.
View full meeting details here:
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