This week is a slow week in Appleton city government. The city meeting cycles run on a four week schedule with Common Council meetings being on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and regular committee meetings happening during the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. As a result, when there are 5 Wednesdays/5 weeks in a month, regular meetings are not held.
There is however one committee meeting taking place this week. The Board of Building Inspection is meeting 06/30/2022 at 2PM. This committee is not a regular committee and meets only when needed. Like the Board of Zoning Appeals, this committee considers variance requests from owners of property in the City of Appleton.
During this meeting, they will consider a request to continue using stairs with a doorway that has no landing even though Section 321.04(2)(a) of the Uniform Dwelling Code requires a 3’ landing. Per the application “Door is located on second step up.” That is all the information provided in the application and there are no pictures or diagrams to illustrate more clearly what is going on.

[I guess it sounds like there’s a staircase that dumps directly into a doorway without having the required 3 feet between the edge of the stairway and the door. A brief check of the property details posted on Appleton’s “My Neighborhood” portal indicates the house was built in 1925, so it would have predated the Uniform Dwelling Code. It’s not uncommon for houses built in the earlier part of the 1900s and prior to that to have weird staircases, and I can easily think of a house or two that have stairways with landings shorter than 3’.]
View full meeting details here:
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