The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/22/2022 at 5:30PM.
They have several temporary alcohol license applications, a permanent premise amendment application, some mechanical amusement device license renewals, and a taxicab company license renewal.
While most of the items seems pretty straightforward, the first action item on the agenda is a taxicab driver license for Torrey which looks like it may have the potential to generate some discussion.

The applicant indicated on his application that he was convicted of a felony and in response to the request to explain in detail stated, “Had a contract w/a business owner who didn’t pay me.” [Frankly, I don’t get the impression he thinks he did anything wrong.]
A brief perusal of the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website indicates that someone with the same first name, last name, middle initial, and date of birth has been in court for a number of reasons over the years. As recently as April of this year, this individual refused to take a test for intoxication after arrest, and the court found his refusal to be not reasonable. Additionally, there appears to be an OWI case open against him. And, it also looks like he was found guilty of a misdemeanor for resisting or obstructing an officer, something that was not noted on the taxi driver application.
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