Alderperson Denise Fenton Apologizes For Comment Made On Mike Schinke’s Campaign Page – “not [a] comment on anyone’s right to run […] I also believe that we can move past our mistakes if we acknowledge them in good faith. I hope that is the case here.”

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) has responded to my email asking her about the comment she had left on Board of Education candidate Mike Schinke’s campaign page. She acknowledges the comment was ill-advised, says she called Mr. Schinke and apologized to him, and clarifies that […]

Alderperson Denise Fenton Voices Opposition To Local School Board Candidate Remaining Civically Engaged

[Update: Alderperson Fenton has apologized for the comment and clarified that she was referencing the end of the election and not commenting on anyone’s right to run.] During the recent election, Mike Schinke had been running for a spot on the Appleton Area School District […]