Community And Economic Development Committee Receives 2021 Growth Report For City Of Appleton

On 03/09/2022 the Community and Economic Development Committee received the 2021 Growth Report for the City of Appleton. The city’s Economic Development Specialist Matt Rehbein reviewed the report with the committee He told them that they put the growth report together annually and its purpose […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves $250,000 In ARPA Grant Allocations – Receives Summary Of What Those Funds Will Be Used For

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 03/09/2022. One of the items they took up was the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act grant funds to various organizations that provided mental health services. The allocation was approved but not without some discussion that included a […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Sole Source Contract With Heartland Systems To Provide An IT Infrastructure, Systems, And Vulnerability Assessment

The Humana Resources and Information Technology Committee met 03/09/2022. One of the items they discussed and voted on was to award a sole source IT network assessment contract to Heartland Business Systems for $60,000. This item was also discussed during the Finance Committee meeting on […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives 2021 Annual Fire Department Report

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/09/2022. It was a brief meeting. After dispensing with the action items by formally voting to deny the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution and approving all of the license applications, they moved on to the 2021 Annual Report For the Appleton […]

Municipal Services Committee Declines To Put “No Mow May” Permanently Into Municipal Code, Instead Approves Resolution Recommending It Take Place In 2022 In Line With Past Practices

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/07/2022 and devoted around 50 minutes of the meeting to discussing and voting on Resolution 3-R-2022, the Weeds and Wild Growth resolution. As originally proposed, this resolution would have permanently added “No Mow May” to Appleton’s Municipal Code and also […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Denies Intoxicated Bartender Resolution

The Safety And Licensing Committee met 03/09/2022. The first action item on the agenda was Resolution 1-R-22, the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution. This resolution had undergone extensive discussion at the 01/26/2022 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting. After being placed on hold and undergoing further staff scrutiny, […]