Safety And Licensing Committee Denies Intoxicated Bartender Resolution

The Safety And Licensing Committee met 03/09/2022. The first action item on the agenda was Resolution 1-R-22, the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution.

Resolution 1-R-22: Intoxicated Bartender Ordinance

This resolution had undergone extensive discussion at the 01/26/2022 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting. After being placed on hold and undergoing further staff scrutiny, resolution author Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) withdrew the resolution during the 02/23/2022 committee meeting. It did, however, end back on the agenda for the 03/09/2022 meeting.

Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) who was the chairperson of the committee said that they had some housekeeping to do with this resolution.

Alderperson Smith moved to deny and then went on to explain that, at the last meeting, they had believed that withdrawing it as he had done seemed to be okay, but later on he had a discussion with City Attorney Behrens who said that there was nothing in Roberts Rules of Order that talked about withdrawing resolution—only motions. After talking about what other municipalities were doing, Alderperson Smith agreed that it would be cleaner to bring the resolution back for it to be clearly denied and thrown out.

He noted that at the organizational meeting in April, there would be a rule made to cleanly address situations like this for the future.

View full meeting details and video here:

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