Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/09/2022 – Will Take Up Intoxicated Bartender Resolution, Receive 2021 Annual Fire Department Report

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 03/09/2022 at 5:30PM.

They have a standard slate of license applications of various sorts. Of note, Tee Tee’s Nachos, whose Class A and Class B alcohol license applications received extra scrutiny and discussion is applying for a tabaco license.

During the last Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, Alderperson Michael Smith (District 1) indicated his intention to withdraw Resolution 1-R-22, the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution. The resolution is, however, on the agenda; I guess we’ll find out why when the meeting happens.

The committee will be receiving the 2021 Appleton Fire Department Annual Report. Of note, the city had 7 significant fire events in 2021, and call volume has increased steadily over the last 10 years.

Finally, the police chief actually has an alcohol license violation to report. Dairyland Brewpub received 50 demerits for being open after hours/failure to vacate.

View full meeting details here:

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