Over the weekend from 02/25/2022 to 02/27/2022 Appleton recorded 21 confirmed coronavirus cases and 4 probable cases. Active cases increased by 15 to 82. Cases out of isolation increased by 10 to 21,190. Deaths remained unchanged at 81.
Appleton’s current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 11.43 as compared to 15.29 on this day last year. Appleton currently has 82 active cases as compared to 302 on this day last year. Between March 18, 2020 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded case) to February 27, 2021 Appleton recorded 61 deaths with/from coronavirus and had a deathrate per known confirmed and probable cases of 0.79%. This compares to 18 such deaths during that same timeframe from 2021-2022 and a deathrate during that time of 0.14%.
Over the last week, Appleton recorded a total of 61 confirmed cases and 19 probable cases. The week before that we had 101 confirmed cases and 26 probable cases. Our 2 week burden per 100,000 residents calculates out to 276 when using both confirmed and probable cases and 216 when using only confirmed cases. Both of those burden levels are in the “high” category. Our weekly case count is now back to where it was in the middle of August 2021.
Since Appleton’s first recorded case on March 18, 2020, 28.47% of Appleton’s approximately 75,000 residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable cases of coronavirus. 0.11% have died with or from coronavirus. 0.11% (only slightly more than 1/10th of of 1%) currently have an active case. 71.53% are not known to have had covid.
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