Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 02/07/2022 – Will Receive Reid Golf Course, Recreation Division, And Grounds Division 2021 Annual Reports

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 02/07/2022 at 6:30PM.

There are no action items on the agenda but there are 3 reports that will be presented to the committee as information items.

The first is the 2021 Reid Golf Course Annual Report.

In 2021, the numbers of rounds played increased by 9.7% over the number of rounds played in 2020. In fact, there were increases in revenue in almost all areas from annual pass purchases, to cart rentals, to merchandise sales, and to food and beverage sales. Overall revenue was up over $100,000 from 2020.

The second report is the Recreation Division 2021 Annual Report.

523 preschool aged children and 11,497 youth aged 4-13 participated in Parks and Rec programs in 2021. 10,734 kids participated in the summer playground program that ran from June 14-August 12. That was down 3% from 2019 due to Covid-related capacity limits set by the city. Overall, 90,503 people participated in Parks and Recreation activities in 2021.

Some of the challenges with pool staff are lightly touched upon.

The third is the Grounds Division 2021 Annual Report.

In this they review all of the various grounds projects they worked on in 2021 and briefly mention the special events and tournaments they hosted and the revenue they took in through pavilion rentals and tournaments.

View full meeting details here:

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