Municipal Services Committee Meeting 01/24/2022 – Will Vote On On-Street Parklet Policy And Avenue Of Ice Permit

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 01/24/2022 at 4:30 PM.

They have a number of action items. The two that probably will be the most visible to residents are (1) the City of Appleton On-Street Parklet Policy and (2) Appleton Downtown Inc.’s request to place ice carvings along College Avenue the weekend of February 18, 2022.

[I’m looking forward to seeing the ice sculptures. Last year’s Avenue of Ice sculptures were fun to look at but, ultimately, pretty tame and corporate. I’m hoping the sculptures this year will be a little more artistic. I still want to see an ice hodag and a replica of The Collective.]

They also have a number of information items including the annual update to the 5-year Bike Lane and Trail Plan and the 2022 Sidewalk Poetry Program. The city will be soliciting original poetry from Appleton residents and AASD students. The deadline is February 18, 2022 and the selected poems will be announced on April 6, 2022.

If those aren’t interesting enough for you, there’s also a report on Appleton’s Salt Usage History.

View full meeting details here:

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