Covid Update From 04/21/2021 Common Council Meeting – Cases Down, Vaccination Demand Slowing

The Appleton Common Council met 04/21/2021. Health Officer Kurt Eggebrecht gave a Covid 19 update. He said that he was really pleased that, since the last time they met, the city had seen a decrease in cases. Two weeks prior they had had 116 new […]

City Of Appleton Aims For June 1 Return To In-Person Work – Will Continue Masking Until Guidance Is Changed

The Appleton Common Council met 04/21/2021. During this meeting, Mayor Woodford spoke about the city’s plans to return to in-person operations. This was in response to a question that Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) had raised earlier that day in a conversation with the mayor. […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/26/2021

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/26/2021 at 4:30PM. They’ll be appointing a Vice-Chair as well as doing a few other organizational appointments. They will then be voting on adopting the Downtown Appleton Streetscape Design Guide. Per the design guide, “This document was developed to […]

Alderperson Nate Wolff’s Invocation At 04/21/2021 Common Council Meeting – “I know that this City Council–this new one will continue to be encouraging to bring more community members into this community regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, etc”

At the 04/21/2021 Appleton Common Council meeting, Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) gave the invocation. I took his statement “when one person shows up and is hateful toward any community members, hundreds…will stand up and say that doesn’t belong in this city,” to be an […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Grants Emmanuel United Methodist Church One Of Two Requested Variances – Sign Placement Still Up In The Air

I was a little surprised when I opened up the video of the 04/19/2021 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting and saw that it was almost an hour long. They only had one zoning appeal on the docket. Appleton Music Academy and Emmanuel United Methodist Church […]

Preliminary Hearing In Gutenberger Child Abuse Case Held – Court Finds Probable Cause And Sets Arraignment Date

The preliminary hearing in the Gutenberger child abuse case happened 04/23/2021. Although the Gutenbergers lived in Shawano and the case is being tried in Shawano, they attended church here in Appleton and the pastors of their church have been accused by a former parishioner of […]