Coronavirus Numbers For 12/17/2021 – 12/19/2021

From 12/17/2021 through 12/19/2021 Appleton recorded 64 confirmed cases and 33 probable cases. Active cases rose by 36 to 293. Cases out of isolation increased by 61 to 13,732. Deaths remained unchanged at 77.

Appleton’s current 7 day running average of confirmed cases is 31.71 as compared to 26 on this day last year. The current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 52.86 as compared to 34.71 on this day last year. Appleton currently has 293 active cases as compared to 539 on this day last year. Last year between March 18 and December 19 Appleton recorded 50 deaths with/from coronavirus as compared to 14 such deaths this year.

Last week Appleton recorded a total of 222 confirmed cases and 148 probable cases for a combined total of 370. The week before that we had 269 confirmed cases and 129 probable. This makes our 2 week burden per 100,000 residents calculate out to 655 when using only confirmed cases and 1,024 when including probable cases. Those rates are fall in the “Very High” and the “Critically High” categories respectively. As you can see, Appleton’s week total has decreased for the last two week.

Since the beginning of the pandemic on 03/18/2020, 18.80% of Appleton residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable case of coronavirus. 0.39% (less than 1 half of 1%) of Appleton residents currently have an active case. 0.1% of residents have died with/from coronavirus. 81.2% of Appleton residents are not known to have had coronavirus.

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