Common Council Meeting 11/17/2021 – Will Vote On Polling Place Assignments, Sculpture Lease Extensions, RiverTyme Bistro Premise Amendment

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 11/17/2021 at 7PM. The mayor does not appear to have any proclamations to present at the meeting, but he will be making his Information Technology Director recommendation. The candidate he is recommending is Corey Popp. Mr. Popp has over […]

Bird E-Scooter Representative Gives Presentation To Municipal Services Committee

The Municipal Services Committee met 11/08/2021. About 53 minutes of the 1 hour and 18 minute meeting was taken up with a presentation from a Bird E-Scooter representative and then a discussion about the presentation and pilot program. To keep the length of post down, […]

Library Board Meeting 11/16/2021 – Will Vote On Budget Amendment, Receive Library Project Update

The Library Board is meeting 11/16/2021 at 4:30PM. On the agenda is… The October bill register A budget amendment request. It looks like it’s for a little over $2,000. The report of the Personnel and Policy Committee. This is listed as an action item, but […]

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 11/03/2021 Common Council Meeting – “I hope that each of us can glory in this month’s times for remembrance and honor and thanksgiving, despite the impending doom—I mean, the winter ahead.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Hartzheim…I gotta fish for the mic. Which? That was close. Alderperson Hartzheim: Thank you, Chair. Here we are folks in the 11th month. How is it the 11th month already? The month of honor and remembrance […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 11/15/2021 – Will Vote On Variance Request To Remove Parking Requirements For Small Neighborhood Restaurant

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 11/15/2021 at 7PM. They have one item on the agenda—a request to approve a variance that would allow a small restaurant to operate in a building that has no off-street parking and no way to install off-street parking. […]

Board Of Education Members Amanda Stuck And Deb Truyman To Attend Listening Session On 11/17/2021

Two Board of Education members, Amanda Stuck and Deb Truyman, will be attending a listening session which will be open to the public. The session is going to be held on Wednesday, November 17 at 5:30, and will take place at 210 W. College Avenue […]

Common Council Defeats Amendment That Called For 2023 Library Project Borrowing To Be Reduced By $2 Million

The Common Council held a special session on 11/10/2021 to vote on the 2022 executive budget. All Alderpersons were present except Alderperson Joe Prohaska (District 14) who had been expected to join them but then did not. The item that took up over half of […]