The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/11/2021 at 4:30PM.
They have a number of street occupancy permits they will be voting on—one from a business wanting to put a picnic table outside their storefront and several from construction companies relating to various construction tools. A company is also requesting permission to place a sign on the College Avenue Skywalk.
The committee will also be receiving a number of information items.
The Department of Public Works is proposing combining the part-time CEA and Parking Utility positions into one full-time position. This would result in a 2022 cost increase of $13,124, but they feel this is the best option because they have had recurring difficulties in filling and retaining their part-time service person position. This is an information item on the Municipal Services Committee agenda but an action item on the agenda for the Human Resources and Information Technology Committee meeting on 10/13/2021.

The committee will be receiving an Inspections Division Report. Permits are up slightly from last year and the estimated cost is up considerably.

They will also be receiving a report on the BIRD E-Scooter Pilot program. As of the end of September, there have been over 20,000 BIRD rides. It looks like there were 2 accidents in September. This brings the yearly total up to 3.
The committee will also be receiving a Parking Revenue report. They’ve brought in $1,276,307 in parking revenue as of the end of September which is 59% of what they budgeted for the year. Will they be able to make up the remaining 41% in the 4th quarter?

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