City Plan Commission Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Take Up Schaefer Street Rezoning Request

The City Plan Commission is meeting 09/08/2021 at 3:30 PM. They have one rezoning request and one request to approve the Apple Fields final plat.

The rezoning request seems somewhat involved. The property at 2121 South Schaefer Street was part of the Calumet Street Planned Development District which was created in 1985. In 1994 the city repealed and recreated the Zoning Ordinance which ended up changing the property’s zoning classification. In 2004 the city repealed and recreated the Zoning Ordinance again which further influenced that property.

The explanation in the staff memo about the zoning restrictions seems pretty dense to me, but the bottom line seems to be that it’s hard to develop this property and the owner wants to rezone it so that they can “redevelop the site and construct a second commercial building on the subject property. The proposed rezoning will provide clear direction on the development standards for the subject parcel going forward and will provide minimal zoning code exceptions that will allow for the redevelopment of this infill parcel.”

City zoning seems like it can be incredibly complicated sometimes.

View full meeting details here:

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