Common Council Approves Scavenging Resolution And Long-Term Lease For “Stairway To The Stars” Sculpture

During the 09/01/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council separated two items out for individual votes.

The first item was Resolution 10-R-21 regarding the scavenging of solid waste/recyclables. The Municipal Services Committee had voted unanimously to recommend for approval updated language that would permit the scavenging of bulky overflow items but still ban going through garbage and recycle bins.

Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) spoke before the fully Council voted on the item. This was his resolution which he had submitted because of the changes that will be happening with bulky overflow collection. He thanked Public Works Director Paula Vandehey and Assistant City Attorney Amanda Abshire for tweaking his original resolution to allow enforcement where needed but to also allow people to legally take items off the terrace, thus giving them a longer life.

There was no further discussion and the item was approved 14-0.

The Council also took up the request from Sculpture Valley to approve a 10-year lease for the “Stairway to the Stars” sculpture in Pierce Park and allow them to pour a semi-permanent concrete foundation to accommodate the work.

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) said that she had watched the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting where this lease extension was discussed but did not come away from that with the answer to a question she had. She wanted to clarify what expenses the city would have in relation to this project.

Parks and Recreation Director Dean Gazza said that the city would have zero expenses for this. Sculpture Valley was funding the concrete base and was also responsible for any damage, vandalism, cleaning of the structure, etc.

Alderperson Smith wanted to know why 10 years was chosen as the timeframe for the lease. He saw nothing in city policy regarding that and wondered if 10 years was a normal timeframe.

Director Gazza said the 10 years was the request of the donor and Sculpture Valley. The city had no specific policy on that, but it was acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Department.

There was no further discussion and the Council voted 13-0 to approve the lease extension. Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) abstained since he is the Executive Director of Sculpture Valley which was the organization making the request.

View full meeting details and video here:

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