Afghani Resettlement Resolution And Vehicle Noise Resolution Introduced At 09/01/2021 Common Council Meeting – Alderperson Firkus Incorrectly Listed As Cosponsor On Afghani Resettlement Resolution

Two resolutions were submitted at the 09/01/2021 Common Council meeting.

The first was Resolution #13-R-21 Support for Resettlement of Afghanistan Parolees in Appleton. There was a slight hiccup with this resolution. Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) was initially listed as being a cosponsor of the resolution, but, after it was read, he said, “I just want to say I did not consent to cosponsoring this. I haven’t even seen the text of this resolution before now, so I don’t feel comfortable being a cosponsor of something I haven’t seen before now.”

Mayor Woodford said that they would make a note of that, and the minutes do not list him as a cosponsor.

At any rate, the resolution itself would, if passed, serve as a statement “that the Common Council of Appleton wishes to offer a home in Appleton for those who were evacuated due to the war in Afghanistan.”

The resolution was sponsored by Alderpersons Vered Meltzer (District 2), Katie Van Zeeland (District 5), Denise Fenton (District 6), Maiyoua Thao (District 7), Alex Schultz (District 9), and Nate Wolff (District 12). It has been referred to the Community and Economic Development Committee.

The full text reads as follows:

WHEREAS, upon the collapse of the Afghanistan government and the Taliban takeover of Kabul which precipitated the emergency US led mass airlift, roughly 125,000 Afghan citizens have fled their home country and may be seeking asylum abroad with as many as 50,000 arriving in the US on “humanitarian parole” without visas; and

WHEREAS, thousands of these Afghan citizens supported American and allied forces, standing side[1]by-side with our service members, diplomats, and aid workers while serving as interpreters, engineers, logistical service providers, and more; and

WHEREAS, the city of Appleton, which became a Compassion City in 2010 under the Earth Charter’s Charter for Compassion Campaign, has historically been a haven for refugees escaping war and political violence; and

WHEREAS, World Relief Fox Valley, the local refugee resettlement agency and its well-established refugee resettlement program, which has welcomed 1000 refugees since its inception in 2012, is preparing for the anticipated arrival of 100 Afghan parolees to the Appleton and Oshkosh communities it serves and will need additional resources for this lesser classification of arriving parolees;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of Appleton wishes to offer a home in Appleton for those who were evacuated due to the war in Afghanistan and hereby affirms to the United States federal government that the City of Appleton stands ready to welcome Afghan humanitarian parolees, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council of Appleton directs the department of Community and Economic Development to coordinate any necessary response with county, state, and federal government departments and agencies, in accordance with previously established and proven best practices for emergency resettlement, as well as offer any additional assistance it can to facilitate rapid response housing options within the City of Appleton.

Resolution #13-R-21 Support for Resettlement of Afghanistan Parolees in Appleton

The second resolution is Resolution #14-R-21 Amend Municipal Code to include Definitions for “Intentional Motor Vehicle Operation” and “Intentional Motor Vehicle Modification” for Noise Generation.

If passed it would update the noise ordinance section of the municipal code to include the following definitions:

Intentional Vehicle Modifications to Emit Excessive Noise means any intentional after-market mechanical modifications to light motor vehicles which amplify the sound of escaping gases specifically designed to create excessive noise emissions under normal operation.

Intentional Vehicle Operation to Emit Excessive Noise means the operation of any intentional light motor vehicle operation in such a manner that the exhaust system emits a loud, cracking or chattering noise unusual to its normal operation with the express purpose of excessive combustion noise emissions.”

This resolution was sponsored by Alderpersons Brad Firkus, Joe Martin (District 4), Alex Schultz, Kristin Alfheim (District 11), and Nate Wolff, and it has been referred to the Safety and Licensing Committee.

[I’m a little curious as to what prompted this resolution. I do remember, 7 years ago, reading this letter to the Post Crescent from Lon Ponschock in which he complains about loud vehicles. In 2016 the Post Crescent ran an article quoting Mr. Ponschock and Ted Rueter, the Director of Noise Free America criticizing the noise from License To Cruise. I, personally, have been totally oblivious to the issue of loud cars in Appleton, but I expect Mr. Ponschock and the local members of Noise Free America will be happy if this resolution passes. At any rate…]

The full text of the resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS, the City of Appleton’s Municipal Code identifies noise as a serious hazard to the public health, welfare, safety and quality of life and, WHEREAS, the people have a right to an environment free from excessive sound that may jeopardize their health, welfare, or safety, or degrade the quality of life and,

WHEREAS, Appleton Municipal Code, Sec. 12-80, states that no person shall make or cause to be made any loud, disturbing, fluctuating or unnecessary sounds or noises such as may tend to annoy or disturb a reasonable person, and Sec 12-81 (f), states that No person shall operate any motor vehicle unless such motor vehicle is equipped with an adequate muffler in constant operation and property maintained to prevent excessive or unusual noise, however, does not specify the intentional modification of vehicular exhaust systems specifically to emit excessive noise, in common vernacular “pop”, “bang” or “crackle”, nor does is specify certain methodologies of operator manipulation of gas flow to combustion engines to intentionally emit excessive noise, and,

WHEREAS, Section 12-76 of the Municipal Code does not have a definition of Intentional Vehicle Modifications to Emit Excessive Noise nor does not have a definition of Intentional Vehicle Operation to Emit Excessive Noise, and

WHEREAS, Health in All Policies dictates that public health and well-being drive all policy,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Appleton Code Article IV, Noise, Sec. 12-76 be amended to include the following definitions; Intentional Vehicle Modifications to Emit Excessive Noise means any intentional after-market mechanical modifications to light motor vehicles which amplify the sound of escaping gases specifically designed to create excessive noise emissions under normal operation. Intentional Vehicle Operation to Emit Excessive Noise means the operation of any intentional light motor vehicle operation in such a manner that the exhaust system emits a loud, cracking or chattering noise unusual to its normal operation with the express purpose of excessive combustion noise emissions. and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that infractions of the Noise ordinance under these newly defined classifications of intent, specifically to disrupt the peace, be enforced consistent with the policies and penalties defined under Sec 12-76.

The second resolution is Resolution #14-R-21 Amend Municipal Code to include Definitions for “Intentional Motor Vehicle Operation” and “Intentional Motor Vehicle Modification” for Noise Generation.

View full Common Council meeting details and video here:

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