On 08/27/2021 through 08/29/2021 Appleton recorded 47 confirmed coronavirus cases and 20 probable cases. Active cases rose by 49 to 222. Case out of isolation increased by 18 to 9,236. Deaths remained unchanged at 65 for the 117th day in a row.
Our current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 22.86 as compared to 11.86 on this day last year. Active cases are 222 this year as compared to 203 on this day last year. Deaths are still down considerable this year as compared to last year. Last year between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded case) and August 29, 8 people died with/from coronavirus, as compared to only 2 people this year; that is in spite of the fact that we have had 1,338 recorded cases this year during that timeframe as compared to only 712 recorded cases during that timeframe last year.
Over the last week Appleton recorded a total of 108 confirmed cases and 52 probable cases for a combined total of 160. Our two week burden is 420 if calculated using both confirmed and probable cases or 252 if calculated using only confirmed cases. Total case counts have actually been fairly stable for the last three weeks and were 150 3 weeks ago, 155 2 weeks ago, and 160 over this last week.
Thus far, over the entire course of the pandemic only 12.7% of Appleton’s 75,000 residents are known to have had either a confirmed or probable case of coronavirus. 0.1% have died with/from coronavirus, 12.3% have recovered, and 0.3% currently have active cases. 87.3% of Appleton’s residents have either not gotten coronavirus or have had such mild cases that they never needed to seek testing.
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