Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 06/02/2021

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 06/02/2021 at 7PM.

This will be Health Officer Kurt Eggebrecht’s last Common Council meeting before his retirement, so they will presenting him with a Certificate of Appreciation and celebrating his time with the city.

Mayor Woodford will be presenting four mayoral proclamations.

There will also be a Covid-19 update. [It will be interesting to see when and how those are eventually retired.]

The item I would expect to take up the most discussion time is Resolution #8-R-21, the resolution expressing support for Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.

Resolution #8-R-21 – Resolution expressing support for Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program

Although there is widespread support on the Common Council for demonstrating support for the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and asking the State to renew it in some way, some Common Council members have balked as specifically signaling support for Governor Evers’ proposal to renew it with an annual budget of $70 million. Alderperson Joe Prohaska (District 14) is listed as one of the sponsors of the resolution but, at the Parks And Recreation Committee meeting he voted against the resolution specifically due to this issue. Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) has also laid out his concerns with that clause of the resolution on his blog, as has Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) on her blog, although she has a scheduled absence from this Common Council meeting and, therefore, will not be voting.

The Council will also be voting on rezoning the U.S. Venture property in Downtown Appleton next to the YMCA, as well as on two other potential development projects.

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