During the 04/21/2021 Common Council meeting the Council voted to approve the resolution banning the sale of cars and dogs by pet stores.Â
At the previous Common Council meeting, Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) had referred it back to the Safety and Licensing committee.
During the Safety and Licensing Committee meeting he explained that he had referred it back because he wanted to see some reasoning to support it. Since that time, Assistant City Attorney Darrin Glad had provided him a wealth of information, and he had also been able to conduct his own research. As a result, he could support the resolution, although he hoped the committee could withdraw the section about dogs having to be removed at night. He felt it was redundant because the sale of cats and dogs by pet stores was already not going to be permitted.
Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) pointed out that although the sale of cats and dogs would be banned, pet stores could still display cats and digs for adoption. That language was in the model ordinance that they used to craft the resolution. That section addressed the fact that most pet stores are closed at night. Cats and rabbits can just use a little box, but dogs need to be taken out at night which pet stores can’t do.
Community member Hanna Hertzog spoke and said that other cities have their hands full dealing with pet stores that sell puppy milk animals but Appleton is in a position to prevent it before it starts. She described some of the predatory lending practices some pet stores engage in to facilitate the purchase of their animals, and she also pointed out that over 180 municipalities across the nation have passed similar ordinances.
The resolution passed out of committee with no changes, and when it came before the Common Council on 04/21/2022 Alderperson Smith explained that his concerns had been allayed. It was passed unanimously by the Common Council with no debate.
View full Common Council meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=853491&GUID=7683F31F-266E-4E28-ACA6-6B593992635A&Options=info|&Search=
View Safety and Licensing meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=844718&GUID=ACFDC86B-4B88-44E7-AC82-336B5D0184E8&Options=info|&Search=
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