Mayor Presents 4 Proclamations At 04/07/2021 Common Council Meeting

During the 04/07/2021 Appleton Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford presented 4 mayoral proclamations. In the interest of time, he did not read them, but he did comment briefly on each one.

April 4-April 10 is Library Week, and Mayor Woodford signed a proclamation to that effect. He mentioned that the library has programming going on, and that they also released the annual library report.

[I found it interesting that in the proclamation, in addition to encouraging the use of library websites, the mayor specifically encourages “all residents to visit libraries with limited in person browsing” while at the same time, the Appleton Health Department is so worried about coronavirus cases rising that they encouraged Appleton Downtown, Inc to postpone their outdoor Fiber Rain yarn bomb event.]

In the Golden Rule Day proclamation, Mayor Woodford proclaimed April 5, 2021 as Golden Rule Day in Appleton and encouraged “all residents to adhere to the Golden Rule, treating others the way they wish to be treated.” While presenting the proclamation, he stated that he would argue that every day is Golden Rule day. He said that’s something they talk a lot about at the City of Appleton both specifically regarding their work in the Common Council but also in their everyday lives.

April is Autism Acceptance Month, so he issued a proclamation declaring April 2021 as such for the city of Appleton, and encouraged “residents to participate in programs and outreach efforts aimed toward educating and supporting ASD awareness.”. He stated that it’s important that we recognize this month and that all grow in our awareness of autism and the wide range of manifestations autism takes, and, importantly, that we accept that that there are members of our community with autism, that those individuals have things to contribute to our community, and that we’re glad they’re a part of our community.

He also issued a proclamation declaring April 5-11, 2021, to be Public Health Week in Appleton and encouraging “residents to celebrate Public Health Week and support vaccination efforts to protect against COVID-19.” He stated that we have spent a great deal of time over this last year talking about public health and that we’ve all seen first hand the importance of public health and the role that it plays in our everyday lives in the community. He thanked the Health Department for their work over the last year and in all the years before. He said that although the focus has been on Covid, there are many things that the Public Health Department is a part of and he was grateful for their service and their dedication to their work and the role that they play in making our community a healthier and safer place.

View full Common Council meeting details and video here:|&Search= #MayoralProclamations

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2 thoughts on “Mayor Presents 4 Proclamations At 04/07/2021 Common Council Meeting

  1. Thank you for letting people know about these proclamations… but are they a proclamation to nowhere?

    If April 5 was Golden Rule Day, how was this communicated? Just on Facebook?

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