Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/22/2021

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/22/2021 at 4:30 pm. They have quite a few items on the agenda.

They’ll be voting on approving an agreement to improve a turn lane near College Avenue and 441.

They’ll also be voting on approving a design contract for a small section of bridge on Olde Oneida Street. It’s a 3 party contract so Appleton’s share of the costs will only be $52,960.

There’s also a bridge at Lawe Street and Pacific Street that they’ll be voting on.

They’ll be conducting a 6 month trial period of having a speed limit of 15 miles per hour on a small stretch of W. Washington Street between Story Street and Bennet Street. The speed limit is currently 25 miles an hour, but the section of street is narrow and ally-like so a lower speed is probably more appropriate. [Having travelled down this street by car and bike I can confirm this.]

There are also several Downtown Appleton, Inc. sponsored art events scheduled for May-August that the committee will be voting to permit.

Finally, they’ll be voting to approve a Dockless, Stand-up Electric Scooter Pilot Program for 2021 with a company called Bird Rides, Inc.

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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