Agenda For 12/21/2020 Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee is meeting 12/21/2020 at 5:30pm. There are 2 action items.

The first is a request from First English Lutheran Church for the city to waive the sewer connection fee in exchange for having provided the city with a sanitary sewer easement that allowed the development of the Glacier Ridge Subdivision without the city having to purchase land. It has become common practice for the city to waive special assessments in exchange for easements and land dedications, so the public works department is recommending the Finance Committee approve this waiver.

There’s also a request to approve an amendment to the 2020 budget to record a grant agreement modification related to Covid-19 funds.

There are also several information items related to contracts for various projects throughout the city being awarded or modified.

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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