Board Of Zoning Appeals Approves Variance Allowing Property Owner To Build Deck Within 8 Feet Of Rear Property Line

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 05/16/2022 and considered the variance request from the owners of a property on Edgewood Avenue to build a 12×16 foot attached deck at the rear of their property that encroached into the 25-foot rear yard setback. There was currently […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting – Will Take Up Three Variance Requests, One For A Deck, One For A Commercial Business On Residential Property, And One For Mill City Public House

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 05/16/2022 at 7PM. They will be taking up 3 variance requests. The first request is from a homeowner who wants to build an attached deck to the rear of their property which would be 12 feet from the […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves Two Variances For Business In Southpoint Commerce Park

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 05/11/2022 and took up a request from Farrell Investments to approve two variances to the Deed Restrictions and Covenants in Southpoint Commerce Park. The first variance would allow a second expansion wall to be constructed of metal material […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Approves Variance Request From Merge LLC To Place Dumpster Against Property Line

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 04/18/2022 and took up the request from Merge, LLC for a variance at 115 E. Washington Street to place a dumpster enclosure on the south property line even though the Zoning Ordinance requires dumpster enclosures to be at least […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Variance Request For Property Owner To Park RV In Front Yard, Install Driveway Extension

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/25/2022. One of the items it took up was a request from a resident named Kurt for a variance to Section 19-91 (c) to park his RV Camper (longer than 26 feet) in the front yard and a variance to […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Variance Request To Build 84′ Tall Building – Leaves Open Possibility For Developers To Come Back With Updated Proposal

I very rarely am able to recap every single committee meeting during a given committee week, but since Appleton is currently short on meetings, I thought I would go back and recap a Board of Zoning Appeals meeting I missed. Variance requests are some of […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Decides To Hold Dumpster Enclosure Decision Until Next Meeting

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 03/21/2022 and took up a variance request for the property at 115 E. Washington St. This is the property that is directly across Washington Street from the Transit Center and is the currently empty lot by City Center where […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Variance Request To Build Garage 12′ From Property Line; Offers Suggestions On How To Build A Compliant Structure

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 03/21/2022 and took up the variance request from the owner of a property of a corner lot on John Street. Kevin currently has a detached garage on his property which is in very poor condition and not worth saving. […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 03/21/2022 – Will Take Up Attached Garage Request For John Street Property And Dumpster Enclosure Request From Merge LLC

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 03/21/2022 at 7:30PM. They will be taking up two variance requests. The first request is from the owner of a corner lot house on John Street to add on an attached garage to his existing house. The proposed […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Variance Request To Build Deck 15 Feet From Front Property Line

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 02/21/2022 and took up two variance requests one of which was for a residential property on Fremont Street. The property owner wanted to install an 8’x21’ deck in the front of their house that would be 15’ off of […]