Municipal Services Committee Votes 3-1 To Approve Variance Request For 12 Foot Driveway Extension Into Front Yard

During the 09/12/2022 and the 09/26/2022 Municipal Services Committee, the committee took up and deliberated on a variance request from a resident on Glendale Avenue to install a 12-foot driveway extension to provide more parking space for the 5 adults who lived in the home, […]

Municipal Services Committee Allows Homeowner To Withdraw Driveway Extension Variance Request

The saga of Michael’s driveway extension looks like it is drawing to an end. Although he himself did not appear at the 09/12/2022 Municipal Services Committee meeting, he had been in communication with the Department of Public Works. Public Works Director Danielle Block told the […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Lot Coverage Variance Request For Proposed Gas Station With Car Wash On South Side Of Town

Since it’s a quiet week with no committee or Council meetings, I thought now would be a good time to revisit the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on 07/18/2022. First off, of all shows under the City of Appleton umbrella, the Board of Zoning Appeals […]

Driveway Extension Variance Saga Continues – Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Item Until 09/12/2022 Meeting

The saga of Michael and his unpermitted driveway extension which violates city code rolls on. Basically, Michael is in the process of fixing up his property and had a large portion of his front yard stretching from his driveway to his front walkway paved with […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Variance For Packard Street Property’s Driveway Extension

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/08/2022. The item that took up most of the meeting was the request from Michael for a variance to allow his driveway to be widened more than 4 feet into his front yard. This item had been discussed during the […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Off On Voting On Variance Request To Give Property Owner Time To Come Into Compliance

The Municipal Services Committee met 07/25/2022. One of the items they took up was a variance request from a property owner to allow their driveway to be widened more than four feet into their front yard. Apparently, the area was already paved without a permit […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Variance Request For Detached Garage On Non-Conforming Lot Citing Safety Issues And Concerns About How An Old Variance Would Interact With A New Variance

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 06/20/2022 and took up a variance request from a property owner on Linwood Avenue to build a detached garage in front of the existing principal building even though Section 23-43(f)(1)(e) of the city’s Zoning Ordinance prohibits accessory buildings in […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Approves Use Variance Allowing Light Manufacturing Business To Operate Out Of Residential Property – Board Discusses History Of Quonset Huts In Neighborhood By Ballard Road

Given the 4th of July holiday and the fact that last week was the 5th week in a 4-week city government meeting cycle, things are a little slower than usual. I thought I would take the opportunity to go back to the 05/16/2022 Board of […]

Board Of Building Inspection Meeting 06/30/2022 – Will Consider Variance Request For Staircase With No Landing

This week is a slow week in Appleton city government. The city meeting cycles run on a four week schedule with Common Council meetings being on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and regular committee meetings happening during the 2nd and 4th weeks […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Grants Variance For Mill City Public House To Provide Only 13 Parking Spots Instead Of 33

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 05/16/2022 and took up the variance request from Mill City Public House to provide only 13 parking stalls for their restaurant/bar business instead of the 33 required by Municipal Code due to the fact that the building was built […]