The Safety and Licensing Committee is holding a special meeting 05/01/2024 at 6:30PM head of the Common Council meeting at 7PM. They will be voting on a request to approve a new ward map resulting from the legislative redistricting prompted by Act 94. The aldermanic […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Mutual Aid Agreements Between Appleton Fire Department And Kimberly, Grand Chute – Fire Chief Hansen Lays Out Plan To Cover Entire City With Mutual Aid Agreements
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/24/2024. Two of the items they took up were mutual aid agreements between the Appleton Fire Department and the Kimberly Fire Department and the Grand Chute Fire Department. Both agreements were recommended unanimously for approval by the committee. I’ve […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Premise Amendment For OB’s Brau Hau Allowing Seating And Alcohol Sales Outside On College Avenue Amenity Strip
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/24/2024. One of the items they took up was the Liquor License Premise Amendment application from OB’s Brau Haus to allow the placement of 4 picnic tables outside along College Avenue and the service of alcohol to patrons at […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Bartender/Operator License For Applicant With OWI History
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/24/2024. The first action item they took up was the Operator/Bartender License application submitted by Miguel. This item has been in and out of committee and placed on hold since it first appeared before the committee a month ago. […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 04/24/2024 – Will Vote On Bartender License For Applicant With History Of OWI, Permit For OB’s Brau Haus To Serve Alcohol On College Avenue Sidewalk, Receive Update On Alcohol License Violations
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 04/24/2024 at 5:30PM. Outside of electing a vice chair, setting the meeting date and time, and designating a contact person, they will be voting on a number of temporary alcohol licenses. They will also be taking up two […]
Common Council Accepts Firehouse Subgrant For $24,000 – Will Cover Purchase Cost Of 8 Video Laryngoscopes
The Common Council met 04/17/2024. One of the items that was separated out for an individual vote was the Fire Department request to accept a Firehouse Sub Grant for roughly $24,000 to cover the cost of eight McGrath video laryngoscopes. This item was spoken about […]
Common Council Receives New Committee Assignments For 2024-2025 Council Term
The new committee appointments for the 2024-2025 aldermanic term have been approved. I was interested in what the makeup of the new Safety and Licensing Committee was going to be given that the committee is still in the process of reviewing Miguel’s bartender/operator license. It […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Hold Alcohol License Premise Amendment From OB’s Brau Haus To Give Police Department More Time To Review Application
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/10/2024. One of the items that was briefly discussed was the Alcohol License Premise Amendment submitted by OB’s Brau Haus that is needed for them to be able to be able to provide outdoor dining in front of their […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses State Law That Seems To Require Them To Approve Bartender License For Applicant With History Of Drunk Driving – Holds Item Until Next Meeting
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/10/2024. They spent 45 minutes of the 1-hour meeting discussing the Operator/Bartender license for Miguel. Miguel has a history of driving while intoxicated. For that reason, the Appleton Police Department initially recommended that his license application be denied. However, […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 04/10/2024 – Will Vote On Operator/Bartender License, Receive 2023 Annual Fire Department Report
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 04/10/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a number of alcohol related licenses, as well as two Fire Department-related items. One is a request to accept a $25,000 grant to support the purchase of video laryngoscopes to […]