The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/11/2024 at 5:30PM. The agenda mostly consists of various license applications and temporary license applications as well as two retail outlet transfer applications—one from Hop Yard Ale Works to facilitate the Flicks and Sips event on 10/04/2024 and […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/28/2024 – Will Vote On Request To Adopt The Outagamie County Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/28/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a request to adopt the Outagamie County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan is 364 pages long and, per page 7 of the plan document, “delivers detailed information on the level […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes 4-1 To Recommend The Corner Pub’s Alcohol License For Renewal
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 08/14/2024. They took up for, what is hopefully the last time, the request to not renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub. This was the fourth meeting during which the committee has discussed the item which first came […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/14/2024 – Will Vote On Non-Renewal Request For Corner Pub Alcohol License, Initial Alcohol License Application For Mr. Frogs
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/14/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be, once again, taking up the request to not renew the Class B Beer and Class B Liquor license for the Corner Pub due to abandonment. During the last committee meeting, the committee […]
7 Appleton Businesses Vie For 2 Class B Beer And Liquor Licenses While Corner Pub’s License Continues To Be Kept Out Of General Circulation 2 1/2 Months After Non-Renewal Deadline
An ongoing source of discussion by the Safety and Licensing Committee has been whether or not to approve the non-renewal of the combination Class B beer/Class B liquor license for the Corner Pub due to abandonment. The business has been closed for over a year […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Reverses Course And Votes 3-2 To Grant Corner Pub Owner Extension To Deadline To Get Bar Operational And Not Lose License
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/24/2024 and took up the request to not renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub on the grounds that it had not been used for over a year and should therefore be considered abandoned. The committee initially, by […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/24/2024 – Will Vote On Non-Renewal Of Alcohol License For Corner Pub
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/24/2024 at 5:30PM. The main action item that I would expect to take up their attention is the request to not renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub. This item has been before the committee twice once […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes 3-2 To Not Renew Alcohol License For Corner Pub After Bar Does Not Pass Inspection To Allow It To Reopen
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/10/2024. The first 50 minutes of the meeting was taken up with discussion and a vote on the request to not renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub. The business has been inoperable for a year after a […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Accept Withdrawal Of Alcohol License Application For Mr. Frogs
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/10/2024. One of the items they took up was the request from Julia Nino Gomez to withdraw her alcohol license application for Mr. Frogs. During the 06/26/2024 meeting, the committee had voted to deny the license application in response […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/10/2024 – Will Vote On Corner Pub License Renewal, Withdrawal Of Mr. Frogs Alcohol License, Sole Source Contract For Police Department Scheduling Software
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/10/2024. The agenda is mostly filled with routine license applications and renewals that I would not expect will take up much time, but there are a few things that will generate discussion. The committee will be taking up […]