Safety And Licensing Committee Receives 2023 Annual Police Department Report – Discusses Drug Issues, Police Staffing Levels

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. During that meeting they received the 2023 Annual Report for the Police Department. Police Chief Polly Olson highlighted some of the areas of the report. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: There were some questions […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Creation Of “Open Flame Effect” Permit Category With Lower Permit Fee Than Pyrotechnic Displays

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. One of the items they took up was the request to update the municipal code to recognize “open flame effects” displays as something separate from fireworks and pyrotechnic displays. This change was made in order to facilitate a […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews Two Operator/Bartender License Applications Recommended For Denial – In Line With State Statute They Deny One And Approve The Other

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. During the meeting, they took up two operator/bartender license applications that staff was recommending be denied. The committee ended up voting to deny one of the applications and approving the other. It was an interesting meeting because in […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Public Appearance For Pillow Talk-N-Wine Demerit Point License Violation – Nobody From Pillow Talk-N-Wine Shows Up

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. One of the items on the agenda was the scheduled public appearance by a representative of Pillow Talk-N-Wine regarding the 50 demerit point license violation they were recently convicted of related to an incident in which they were […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/27/2024 – Will Discuss Recent Demerit Point Violation For Pillow Talk-N-Wine, Vote On Recommendations To Deny Two Bartender License Applications, Receive 2023 Annual Police Department Report

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting this evening, 03/27/2024, at 5:30PM. It looks like it has the potential to be a longer meeting. They will be conducting a Demerit Point Violation Appearance by a representative from Pillow Talk-N-Wine. The establishment recently received 50 demerit […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/20/2024 – Will Vote On Municipal Code Amendment Pertaining To False Alarm Fees

The Safety and Licensing Committee is holding a special meeting on 03/20/2024 at 6:45PM prior to the Common Council meeting at 7PM. They will be voting on a number of applications including liquor licenses, liquor premise amendments, and retail licenses. They will also be voting […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives Public Feedback On Proposed Video Surveillance Ordinance And Changes To Required Food Truck Closing Time

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 02/28/2024. The main item of discussion during that meeting was the public safety ordinance changes that had been proposed by the Police Department. The Police would like to create an ordinance that would require all bars and restaurants that […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses Proposed Ordinance That Would Require Class B Bars And Restaurants To Install Video Surveillance Cameras And Make Footage Available To Police

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 02/27/2024. The meeting ran slightly more than 60 minutes, all but a couple of which were taken up with discussion about public safety ordinance changes proposed by Police Department. The Police would like to create an ordinance that would […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 02/28/2024 – Will Review And Discussion Proposed Ordinance That Would Require Bars And Restaurants That Serve Alcohol Install 24/7 Surveillance Cameras Accessible To Police

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 02/28/2024 at 5:30PM. Their action items consist of three alcohol license applications. The item of most interest and the one I would expect to take up the most amount of time is an information item about a proposed […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Request To Create Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist Position – Alderperson Siebers Expresses Hope That Police Chief Will One Day Ask To Add More Police Officers To Department

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 02/14/2024. One of the items they voted on was a request by the police department to create a Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist position. The forensic evidence unit is supervised by a police lieutenant but the three staff […]