The Alcohol Operator’s license requests have been interesting recently. We just finished the tale of Michael and his failed quest to get a permit. The 04/14/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee featured another convicted felon hoping to be granted an Alcohol Operator’s permit. Chief Thomas spoke […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Approve Updating The International Fire Code Used By Fire Department To 2018 Version
Appleton’s Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/24/2021. After denying a request for an alcohol operator’s license and voting to approve a resolution that would ban the sale of cats and dogs by pet stores, they moved on to the “Request from the Appleton Fire Department […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Resolution Banning The Sale Of Cats And Dogs By Pet Stores
On 03/24/2021 Appleton’s Safety and Licensing Committee took up Resolution #3-R-21 “Prohibition on Large Scale Commercial Dog and Cat Breeding”. This resolution was submitted by Alderpersons Maiyoua Thao (District 7), Denise Fenton (District 6), and Vered Meltzer (District 2) and states that “no pet store […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Recommend Denying Michael An Alcohol Operator’s License
One of the things I find most interesting about following the proceedings of local government is the stories of random people as they, in whatever way, butt up against local ordinances and regulations. That’s why the Board of Zoning Appeals is so interesting, and, of […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/24/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 03/24/2021 at 5:30PM. On the agenda is… 1. A recommendation to deny a liquor license to an applicant. 2. A resolution to prohibit large scale commercial dog and cat breeding. [If I’m reading the text of the resolution […]
Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/03/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is holding a special meeting 03/03/2021 at 6:45pm, 15 minutes before the Common Council meets. On the agenda is a class A beer license, a cigarette license, an amusement device license, and a pet store license. Apparently the amusement device […]
Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting 01/27/2021
The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 01/27/2021 at 5:30 pm. Amongst other things, they will be voting on the bartender license an Appleton resident applied for. The police department is recommending denial due to the fact that he has has numerous run-ins with the […]
Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting 01/13/2021
The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 01/13/2021 at 5:30pm. On the agenda are the standard alcohol licenses as well as some cigarette licenses. There will also be some reports including one from the Police Chief who will be giving a hiring update and introducing […]
Police Chief’s Plan For Mental Health Response Team To Be Presented At Safety Licensing Committee Meeting 12/09/2020
The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 12/09/2020 at 5:30pm. There are the typical beer, wine, and liquor license applications. One item of interest is the information item about the police Department’s intention to create a Victim Service Officer position and also form a Mental […]
Happy Hour At The Safety And Licensing Committee Special Meeting
Looks like it’s happy hour at the special Safety and Licensing Committee meeting on 11/18/2020. They’ll be looking at no fewer than 7 Class B Liquor and Class B Beer license applications as well as one Class A Beer and Class A Liquor license application. […]