The Safety and Licensing Committee met on 06/09/2021. A big discussion item at May’s Safety and Licensing Committee meeting had been the City’s current policy allowing gas station convenience stores to only sell beer and not wine or liquor. They had voted to hold that […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/09/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/09/2021 at 5:30PM. There will be the typical slew of licenses they will be voting on whether or not to approve. However, the main item they will be considering and voting on is whether or not to update […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Considers Regulations Surrounding Alcohol Sales By Gas Stations
Appleton’s Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/26/2021. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) was excuse and Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) was absent, so the committee only had three members, but they still had a quorum so they could conduct business. It was not a […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/26/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/26/2021 at 5:30PM. Most of the items on the agenda are alcohol license applications. Appleton Downtown, Inc has an application for a temporary Class B Bear and Class B Wine License to go along with their Thursday evenings […]
Camilo’s Alcohol Operator’s License Denied, But Muncheez Pizza Still Has An Awesome Mural
Lost amongst the AAPI and CEDAW resolutions as well as everything going on with the Appleton Area School District in recent weeks, was the quest of Camilo to get his bartender license. His license application was put on hold by the Safety and Licensing Committee […]
Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting Scheduled For 05/12/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/12/2921 at 5:30pm. It promises to be much less eventful than the previous Safety and Licensing committee meeting. The action items consist of a hodgepodge of various license applications. There will also be reports from the city clerk, […]
After Accusations of Racism, Safety And Licensing Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve The Resolution Condemning Anti-Asian Hate Without Amending It
On 04/28/2021 the Safety and Licensing committee took up Resolution #6-R-21 the Resolution Condemning Xenophobia, Racism, and Violence Against The Asian Pacific Islander Desiamerican (APIDA) Community that had been referred back to committee during the 04/21/2021 Common Council meeting. 26 members of the public provided […]
Safety And Licensing Meeting Scheduled For 04/28/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 04/28/2021 at 5:30. The biggest item on the agenda is the Resolution Condemning Xenophobia, Racism, and Violence Against The Asian Pacific Islander Desiamerican (APIDA) Community. At the last Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, both Alderpersons William Siebers (District […]
Appleton Common Council Passes Resolution Banning The Sale Of Cats And Dogs By Pet Stores
During the 04/21/2021 Common Council meeting the Council voted to approve the resolution banning the sale of cars and dogs by pet stores. At the previous Common Council meeting, Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) had referred it back to the Safety and Licensing committee. During […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses Proposed Anti Asian Hate Resolution And The Appropriate Scope Of City Statements
There was a pretty interesting discussion that happened during the 04/14/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting surrounding the Resolution Condemning Xenophobia, Racism, and Violence Against The Asian Pacific Islander DesiAmerican (APIDA) Community. The discussion revolved around what the appropriate scope of the Common Council is […]