The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 01/27/2021 at 5:30 pm. Amongst other things, they will be voting on the bartender license an Appleton resident applied for. The police department is recommending denial due to the fact that he has has numerous run-ins with the […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting 01/13/2021
The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 01/13/2021 at 5:30pm. On the agenda are the standard alcohol licenses as well as some cigarette licenses. There will also be some reports including one from the Police Chief who will be giving a hiring update and introducing […]
Police Chief’s Plan For Mental Health Response Team To Be Presented At Safety Licensing Committee Meeting 12/09/2020
The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 12/09/2020 at 5:30pm. There are the typical beer, wine, and liquor license applications. One item of interest is the information item about the police Department’s intention to create a Victim Service Officer position and also form a Mental […]
Happy Hour At The Safety And Licensing Committee Special Meeting
Looks like it’s happy hour at the special Safety and Licensing Committee meeting on 11/18/2020. They’ll be looking at no fewer than 7 Class B Liquor and Class B Beer license applications as well as one Class A Beer and Class A Liquor license application. […]
Further Information On the Reults of the 2020 APD Community Survey
Police Chief Thomas gave a report to the Safety and Licensing committee on 10/28/2020 about the results of the communities survey. He touched on some of the items highlighted in the media release APD put out. They had a return rate of 34.4% which they […]
Safety and Licensing Committee Agenda For 10/28 at 5:30
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 10/28 at 5:30 pm. On the agenda… Apparently there’s a new Aldi opening at 2702 N Richmond St. [I did not know that.] They’ve applied for a Class A beer and Class A liqor license which all departments […]
Marijuana Fines Reduced
On 10/21 the Common Council voted to decrease the municipal fines for marijuana possession. The original resolution had called for the fines to be reduced to $5 for a first offense and $15 for a 2nd and 3rd offense. The Safety and Licensing committee amended […]