Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Delaire’s Alcohol License Application Until 02/12/2025 Committee Meeting – Hold Will Give Time To Police Department To Conduct Further Investigation Into Gambling Concerns

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/22/2025. The largest portion of the meeting was taken up with a discussion about how to proceed with the alcohol license application for Delaire’s. Concerns have been raised that the owner, David Boulanger, plans to operate illegal gambling machines […]

After Being Convicted Of Dispensing Alcohol To Minors, Both Mr. Frogs And Broken Tree Pizza Decline To Send Representatives To The Safety And Licensing Committee To Explain What Steps They Are Taking To Prevent Further Alcohol Demerit Point Violations In The Future

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/22/2025. Two of the items on the agenda were public appearances by representatives of Mr. Frogs and Broken Tree Pizza to talk with the committee about what they were doing to decrease their risk of getting demerit point violations […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes 4-1 To Approve Bartender License For Applicant With History Of OWI – Committee Expects Additional Documentation Of Proof Of Rehabilitation Ahead Of Common Council Meeting

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/22/2025. One of the items they took up was the application for a bartender/operator license for Katherine. The police Department was requesting denial of the application because Katherine has a history of OWI offenses, the most recent of which […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes 5-0 To Recommend Denial Of Bartender License Sought By Applicant With Recent Conviction For Possession Of Cocaine

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/22/2025. One of the items they took up was the bartender/operator license for Kelly. Kelly was recently convicted of possession of cocaine and is charged with another drug related offense that has yet to go to trial. The police […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 01/22/2025 – Will Vote On Bartender Licenses For Applicants With Drug/Alcohol Convictions, Consider Stipulations For Delaire’s Alcohol License, Conduct Demerit Point Violations Appearances For Mr. Frogs And Broken Tree Pizza

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 01/22/2025 at 5:30PM. They will be taking up two bartender/operator licenses, one for Kelly who was recently convicted for possession of cocaine and one for Katherine who was convicted of operating while intoxicated on three separate occasions, most […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews Alcohol License Demerit Point Violations For Mr. Frogs And Broken Tree Pizza

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/08/2025. As an information item, they discussed recent alcohol license demerit point violations. Mr. Frogs received 80 demerit points for Underage Person(s) on Premises and an additional 80 demerit points for Dispensing Alcohol To Minor for a total of […]

After Delaire’s Owner Denies Intention To Operate Gambling Machines On Premises And Presents Plan To Allow Board Games To Be Played, Safety And Licensing Committee Recommends Approval Of Alcohol License

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/08/2025. One of the items they took up was the alcohol license application by David Boulanger for Delaire’s a College Avenue business he hopes to open. This item has been in and out of the committee for a couple […]

Speakeasy Ultra Lounge Owner Surrenders Alcohol License – License No Longer Subject To Revocation Action By Safety And Licensing Committee

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/08/2025. One of the items on their agenda was the license revocation for Speakeasy Ultra Lounge. Appleton’s Municipal Code requires the revocation of the alcohol license for any establishment that accumulates 200 or more demerit points within a 36-month […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Hold Two Bartender License Applications Until 01/22/2025 Meeting – Hold Will Give Applicants With Drug/Alcohol Convictions Time To Provide Evidence Of Rehabilitation

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/08/2025. They had two bartender/operator licenses on the agenda, one for Kelly which had been held by the committee at the 12/11/2024 committee meeting and one for Katherine which was new. Both of the items were held until the […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 01/08/2025 – Will Vote On 2 Bartender License Applications, Alcohol License Revocation For Speakeasy Ultra Lounge, Alcohol License Application For Delaire’s

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 01/08/2025 at 5:30PM. They have three items on the agenda that were held at the 12/11/2024 meeting. The first is the Bartender/Operator License for Kelly. At the time she submitted her application, the applicant had two criminal cases […]