Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 09/13/2023 – Will Vote On Bird Safe Glass Resolution

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 09/13/2023 at 6:30PM. The one item on the agenda is Resolution 6-R-23 which would add bird safe glass requirements to the Appleton City Municipal Code and require all city windows that meet the size requirements to be […]

Alderperson Meltzer Responds To Questions Regarding Bird Safe Glass Resolution – Economic Impact And Number Of Birds Effected Locally Still Unknown

Resolution 6-R-23, the Bird Safe Glass resolution, is currently working its way through the committee process, and will be coming before the Community and Economic Development Committee for a vote on 09/13/2023. If passed as written, the resolution would create bird-safe glass building requirements for […]

Two Resolutions Introduced At 08/16/2023 Common Council Meeting – First Supports Mental Health Awareness And Services, Second Requires Additional Shared Revenue To Be Spent Only On Infrastructure And Public Safety

Two resolutions were introduced during the Common Council meeting on 08/16/2023. Resolution 9-R-23, submitted by Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12), is a Resolution Supporting Mental Health Awareness and Services in the City of Appleton. If passed as written if would require the city of Appleton […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Votes To Hold Bird Safe Glass Resolution Until September 13 To Give Resolution’s Authors Time To Consider Amendments

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 08/09/2023. Resolution 6-R-23, which would add bird safe glass requirements to the municipal code, appeared on the agenda, but the committee did not discuss it in detail but rather voted to hold it until the September 13 committee […]

Common Council Votes Down Resolution Expressing Thanks For Passage Of Act 12; Mayor Woodford Recognizes Efforts Of League Of Women Voters And Appleton Concerned Taxpayers In Getting Act 12 Approved

The Common Council met 08/02/2023. There were two WI Act 12 related items on the agenda. Act 12 was the recently passed legislation that, among other things, increased the amount of shared tax revenue dollars that local municipalities receive from the state. The low amount […]

Common Council Votes 15-0 To Approve The Creation Of The Appleton Conservancy – Dedicates City Owned Land In Southpoint Commerce Park For Parkland, Trailhead, And Trail

Resolution 8-R-23 was approved unanimously by the Common Council on 08/02/2023. The resolution created the Appleton Conservancy inside Southpoint Commerce Park and dedicated city-owned property inside Southpoint Commerce Park for parkland, trailhead, and trail. As discussed during the 07/24/2023 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, the […]

Update On Bird Safe Glass Resolution – Resolution Still Undergoing Review, City Attorney Recommending Refraining From Action Until Legal Challenges Associated With Similar City Of Madison Ordinance Are Resolved

Resolution 6-R-23, the resolution which would add bird safe glass requirements to Appleton’s Municipal Code, was introduced during the 06/07/2023 Common Council meeting and has been undergoing review by city staff since that time. I thought it would be worthwhile to check in on how […]

Common Council Meeting 08/02/2023 – Will Vote On Appleton Conservancy Resolution, Resolution Expressing Both Gratitude And Criticism For The Passage Of Act 12

The Common Council is meeting 08/02/2023 at 7PM. In addition to two mayoral proclamations, Business Presented By The Mayor will include recognition for the work of two organizations toward the passage of the Shared Revenue Bill. He will also give a property revaluation overview. Action […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Unanimously Approves Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Deputy Director Kress Confirms Funds Generated By TIF District 13 Can Go Toward Park Development

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 which would create the Appleton Conservancy Park in Southpoint Commerce Park and would dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for parkland, trailhead, and trail. Alderperson Katie […]

Finance Committee Votes 3-2 To Amend Resolution Expressing Support For Wisconsin Act 12 To Remove Names Of Individual Legislative Representatives, Insert Concerns Over Some Aspects Of Act 12

The Finance Committee met 07/24/2023. Beyond receiving a presentation on the 2022 Audit, they discussed and voted on Resolution 7-R-23 which expressed support for Wisconsin Act 12. The resolution as originally submitted, thanked, without caveat, a number of politicians for passing Act 12 which increased […]