Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Resolution That Would Have Closed Whitman Yard Waste Site

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/12/2024. One of the items they took up was Resolution 12-R-23 which called for the closure of the Whitman Yard Waste Site. This item was held for a month at the 01/08/2024 Municipal Services Committee meeting in order to provide […]

Common Council Meeting 02/07/2024 At 7PM – Will Vote On Parking Facilities Study Resolution, Resolution To Use Efficiency And Conservation Block Grant Funds For Library Project

The Common Council is meeting 02/07/2024 at 7PM. There are a number of items on the agenda that may be separated out for an individual vote. Those include: View full meeting details here:

Finance Committee Approves Resolution Designating $134,000 In Grant Funds Toward Library Project – Declines To Clarify If This Will Reduce Taxpayer Burden Or Increase Overall Library Project Budget

The Finance Committee met 01/22/2024. One of the items they took up was Resolution 1-R-24 the Resolution for Use of Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds. This resolution calls for $134,180 in Department of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds that the city accepted […]

Finance Committee Meeting 01/22/2024 – Will Vote On Energy Efficiency And Conservation Block Grant Resolution, Receive Updates On ARPA Funded Projects

The Finance Committee is meeting 01/22/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be discussing and voting on the Resolution for Use of Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds. This resolution calls for $134,000 in Department of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds to be directed toward […]

Resolution Introduced That Would Direct $134,000 In Efficiency And Conservation Block Grant Funds Toward Qualifying Library Project Initiative

The first resolution of 2024 was introduced at the 01/17/2024 Common Council meeting. Resolution 1-R-24 is the Resolution for Use of Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds and calls for $134.180 in Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds from the Department of Energy to be […]

Common Council Holds Parking Facility Study Resolution Until Next Meeting To Give Resolution’s Author A Chance To Participate In Discussion

The Common Council met 01/17/2024. It was a brief meeting lasting only around 13 minutes. The one action item that was separated out for individual discussion was the Parking Facilities Study Resolution. This resolution calls for staff to seek the services of a consultant to […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Amended Parking Facilities Study Resolution Removing Reference To Studying The Possible Lease Or Sale Of City-Owned Parking Ramps

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/08/2024. One of the items they took up was the Parking Facility and Management Study resolution. As originally written by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15), this resolution called for staff to seek the services of a consultant to help them […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Whitman Yard Waste Site Closure Resolution Until February – Hold Will Give More Time To Find Out How Grand Chute Would React, Research Potential Cost Savings Of Closure

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/08/2024. One of the items they took up was Resolution 12-R-23 which, if passed as written, would close the city’s Whitman yard waste site leaving only the Glendale site open, a change that would take place in 2025. The resolution […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 01/08/2024 – Will Vote On Resolution Calling For Closure Of Whitman Yard Waste Site, Resolution Calling For Study Of Downtown Parking Facilities

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 01/08/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be taking up two resolutions. The first is Resolution 12-R-23 which would close the Whitman Yard Waste Site. This resolution was discussed during the 11/20/2023 Municipal Services Committee meeting during which committee members provided […]

Common Council Votes 8-4 To Deny Resolution That Would Have Used ARPA Dollars To Fund 10 Flock License Plate Reader Cameras

The Common Council met 12/20/2023. The agenda item that took up the most amount of discussion was Resolution 13-R-23 which would have reallocated $125,000 in ARPA funds to pay for the 5-year lease and maintenance of 10 additional Flock license plate reader cameras. [The initial […]