Finance Committee Meeting 01/24/2022 – Will Decide How To Proceed With Rebranding Effort

The Finance Committee is meeting 01/24/2022 at 5:30PM. As you may recall, during the committee’s 01/10/2022 meeting they discussed a recommendation to award a contract for brand development services to Unlisted, LLC. Due to some concerns with the proposal the committee decided to hold off […]

Two Resolutions Submitted To Common Council – First Would Ban Intoxicated Bartending, Second Would Reallocate City Brand Funding For Other Purposes

The Appleton Common Council met 01/19/2022. The meeting was not particularly eventful. No agenda items were separated out for individual votes and the meeting was completed in under 30 minutes. However, the first two resolutions of 2022 were introduced at that meeting. Resolution #1-R-22 Intoxicated […]

Honeybee Rescue Resolution Passes Through Board Of Health With Minor Changes

The Board of Health met 01/12/2022. The one action item they took up was the Honeybee Rescue Resolution. This resolution has not seemed to be controversial, and they spent only a couple minutes dealing with it. Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2), who is the main […]

Board of Health Meeting 01/12/2022 – Will Take Up Honeybee Rescue Resolution

The Board of Health is meeting 01/12/2022 at 7AM. They will be welcoming new member Emma Kane to the board. She has a Masters in Public Health and works for a non-profit organization named Community Action for Healthy Living. They have one action item with […]

Common Council Approves Election Inspectors And Committee Appointments/Reappointments, Approves Resolution Updating City’s Alcohol License Demerit Point System

The Appleton Common Council met on 12/15/2021 for what was it’s final meeting of 2021. They received a Covid-19 update and then spent a good deal of time deliberating on proposed changes to the municipal code governing food trucks in Appleton. Although those items took […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Vote To Approve Resolution Updating Appleton’s Alcohol License Demerit Point System

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 12/08/2021 and took up Resolution #16-R-21 which pertains to alcohol license demerit points. This resolution was introduced by Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10), and he was the first one asked to speak about it. He explained to the committee […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 12/08/2021 – Will Take Up Applications From River Tyme and Tee Tee’s Nachos And Consider Alcohol License Demerit Point System Resolution

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 12/08/2021 at 5:30PM. They have a couple alcohol license change of agent applications and a pawnbroker license renewal that look routine, and Appleton Downtown Inc is applying for a temporary Class B beer license for the Seltzer Stroll […]

Alderperson Michael Smith Introduces Resolution To Review And Amend Appleton’s Alcohol License Demerit Point System

During the 12/01/2021 Common Council meeting one resolution was submitted. Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) submitted Resolution #16-R-21 regarding the city’s alcohol license demerit point system. As currently written, the resolution calls for the city’s demerit point system as laid out in Section 9-54 of […]

Alderpersons Meltzer And Schultz Introduce Honeybee Rescue Resolution At 11/17/2021 Common Council Meeting

During the 11/17/2021 Common Council meeting Alderpersons Vered Meltzer (District 2) and Alex Schultz (District 9) submitted Resolution #15-R-21, the Honeybee Rescue Resolution. If passed, this resolution would update the section of the city’s Municipal Code related to the keeping of bees. Currently city code […]

Common Council Approves Afghani Refugee Resolution – Council Members Discuss Differing Philosophies On Resolution-Writing

On 09/15/2021 the Appleton Common Council took up Resolution #13-R-21 “Support for Resettlement of Afghanistan Parolees in Appleton”. The discussion revolved around two main issues (1) what, if any call to action did the resolution have, and (2) a more philosophical debate about the value, […]