Municipal Services Committee Meeting 03/20/2023 – Will Vote On Bird Scooters Agreement, College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration, Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/20/2023 at 4:30PM. The agenda is pretty full with three items in particular that may stand out to the public. One is the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Appleton and Bird Rides for an e-scooter program. This […]

Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May Introduced At 03/15/2023 Council Meeting In Response To Retraction Of Study Used To Support Passage Of Original No Mow May Ordinance Changes

At the 03/15/2023 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) introduced a resolution to eliminate the No Mow May program as a permanent part of the city’s ordinances, delete references to it from the city code, and return the related city code to the […]

Alderpersons Del Toro, Meltzer, Fenton, Schultz, And Wolff Introduce Resolution That Would Ban The Use Of Chemical Fertilizer And Pesticides On Properties Smaller Than 5 Acres Within The City Of Appleton

During the 02/15/2023 Common Council meeting, the first resolution of 2023 was introduced. Resolution 1-R-23, entitled “On The Adoption of Language To Control The Unintended Misuse or and Overuse of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers or Public Property” was submitted by Alderpersons Israel Del Toro (District […]

Where Is The City At With Funding For Infrastructure Maintenance? – 8 Alderpersons And The Mayor Weigh In

Back in December of 2022, the Common Council voted to approve Resolution 12-R-22. In its original form, this resolution would have eliminated the aldermanic parking pass benefit, currently valued at $480 annually per alderperson, and reallocated the $7,200 in total funds to the Public Works […]

Common Council Approves Moving District 12 Polling Place To St. Pius Church Within District 6’s Boundaries

The Common Council met 01/18/2023 and unanimously approved the relocation of the District 12 polling place from St. John’s Church in District 12 to St. Pius Church in District 6. This item specifically as well as some of the issues in finding polling places and […]

Common Council Meeting 12/21/2022 – Will Vote On Resolution To Eliminate Council Parking Pass Benefit, Receive Library Project Update

The Common Council is meeting 12/21/2022 at 7PM. There will be several items of business presented by the Mayor. Regarding items taken up by the Council, I would expect that the Resolution to Eliminate Council Parking Passes for 2023 will be separated out for an […]

Finance Committee Votes 5-0 Against Resolution That Would Have Ended Alderperson Parking Pass Benefit

The Finance Committee met 12/12/2022 and took up Resolution 12-R-22 which called for the elimination of the Council parking pass benefit, valued at $480 per alderperson per year, and the reallocation of those funds to the city’s concrete budget. The resolution was introduced by Alderpersons […]

Finance Committee Meeting 12/12/2022 – Will Vote On Resolution To Eliminate Alderperson Parking Pass Benefit

The Finance Committee is meeting 12/12/2022 at 5:30PM. It looks like a fairly heavy agenda. The action item I would expect would result in the most amount of discussion is Resolution 12-R-22 which would eliminate the Common Council’s parking pass benefit. During the Public Hearings […]

Alderpersons Hartzheim, Croatt, And Doran Introduce Resolution To Eliminate Council Parking Pass Benefit

The Common Council met 12/07/2022. During that meeting, Resolution 12-R-22 Eliminate Council Parking Passes was submitted. It was sponsored by Alderpersons Sheri Hartzheim (District 12), Chris Croatt (District 14), and Chad Doran (District 15). If passed as written, it would eliminate the parking pass benefit […]

Common Council Approves Updated Street Terrace Policy Allowing Residents To Plant Vegetable Gardens In Terraces

The Common Council met 11/02/2022. One of the items they took up was the request to approve modifications to the City of Appleton Street Terrace Policy. The main modifications being voted on were to allow residents to plant vegetable gardens up to 36” high and […]