Two Resolutions Introduced At 04/19/2023 Common Council Meeting – One Would Have Staff Re-Examine City Street Light Policy, Other Would Have Ellen Kort Peace Park Left Unmowed During May

Two resolutions were introduced at the 04/19/2023 Common Council meeting. Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) was the primary sponsor for both of them. Resolution 3-R-23 notes that the City of Appleton leases over 90% of the streetlights in the city at a cost of over […]

Common Council Meeting 04/19/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May

The Common Council is holding its regular meeting on 04/19/2023 at 7PM after the formal organizational meeting at 6PM. Mayor Woodford will be presenting a new appointment to the Appleton Housing Authority. He is recommending the appointment  of Cathy Spears a former Appleton alderperson, the […]

Staff Report Regarding Anti- Pesticide, Herbicide, And Fertilizer Resolution Is Released – Reveals Widespread Legal And Practical Issues With Resolution

Resolution 1-R-23, the anti- pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer resolution was introduced on 02/15/2023. The resolution was authored by Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) and co-sponsored by Alderpersons Vered Meltzer (District 2), Denise Fenton (District 6), Alex Schultz (District 9), and Nate Wolff (District 12). […]

After Much Effort, Alderperson Del Toro’s “No Mow May” Slide Presentation Is Located And Made Available To The Public In Unredacted Form

I have finally obtained a copy of the slide presentation that Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) gave during the 04/10/2023 Municipal Services Committee meeting. This was the information he used to present support for the benefits of No Mow May and to respond to […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes 4-1 To Deny Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May

[Update 04/15/2023: Alderperson Del Toro’s presentation included slides that were originally not attached to the minutes of the meeting. I have, however, now obtained those slides and am including them for those who wish to review his visual presentation. You can read more about the […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/10/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/10/2023 at 4:30PM. The item that will probably take up the most meeting time is Resolution 2-R-23, the resolution to eliminate No Mow May. The resolution, introduced by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15), calls to eliminate No Mow May […]

Alderperson Meltzer States That Anti- Pesticide And Fertilizer Resolution Restrictions Are Based On “Label Is The Law” Rules – Statement Raises Further Questions

The Anti- Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Resolution is currently still undergoing review by city staff. If passed as written, it would explicitly ban the application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer on city terraces and, through the implementation of strict regulations regarding the conditions under which […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May Until Next Committee Meeting

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/20/202. The last item they took up was Resolution 2-R-23, the Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May. They did not have time to give this resolution the degree of attention that it deserved so they voted to hold it until […]

A Further Review Of The Impact Of The Anti- Pesticide, Herbicide, And Fertilizer Resolution – Would Reduce Workday Hours During Which Products Could Be Legally Applied By 95%

I wanted to provide some additional details regarding Resolution 1-R-23, the anti- pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer resolution. During my discussion with Alderperson Del Toro he repeatedly stated that the resolution was not a ban. When I pointed to the restrictive nature of the rules put […]

Alderpersons Del Toro And Schultz Provide Further Details On Anti- Pesticide, Herbicide, And Fertilizer Resolution

I had an opportunity to communicate with two of the alderpersons associated with Resolution 1-R-23, the anti- pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer resolution. I talked via email with Alderpersons Israel Del Toro (District 4) and Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) about the purpose of the resolution, […]