City Staff Will Present Recommendations Regarding Street Terrace Policy Modifications Resolution Within 60 Days

The Municipal Services Committee met 07/11/2022. One of the items they covered was an update on the status of Resolution #7-R-22, the Modifications to Street Terrace Policy resolution. Deputy Director of Public Works Ross Buetow reiterated what was in the memo, namely that the resolution […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 07/11/2022 – Will Vote On Two Parking Ramp Related Items, Receive Staff Update On Street Terrace Policy Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 07/11/2022 at 4:30PM. There are two action items, both related to parking ramps. The first is a 2022 parking ramp planning and design services contract. Last year, the city entered into a 5-year contract with Desman Design Management for […]

Street Terrace Policy Modifications Resolution Introduced At 06/15/2022 Common Council Meeting – Would Allow Property Owners To Plant 3 or 4 Foot High Vegetable Gardens In Terraces

Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) sponsored a resolution which was submitted during the 06/15/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution #7-R-22 regarding Street Terrace Policy Modifications would, if passed as written, allow property owners who wish to develop their terraces to register with the city and […]