Special Meetings Of Finance And Human Resources And Information Technology Committees To Be Held 08/02/2023 Before Common Council Meeting – HRIT Committee Will Vote On Awarding Contract For City Website Redesign

Two special meetings are scheduled ahead of the Common Council meeting on 08/03/2023. The first is a special meeting of the Finance Committee at 6:15PM. The committee will be voting on a request to award a repair and maintenance contract for the Green, Red, and […]

Common Council Approves Resolution 2-R-22 Which Includes Funding For A Comprehensive IT Analysis And A Pedestrian Safety Study

The Common Council met 03/16/2022 and took up Resolution 2-R-22 the Resolution to Improve Communication, Technology, And Pedestrian Safety. This resolution was amended during the Finance Committee meeting to reflect the recommendations of staff. Those recommendations were: Allocate $75,000 to hire a consultant to provide […]

Common Council Meeting 03/16/2022 – Will Take Up “No Mow May” Resolution, Reallocation Of Brand Funds Resolution, And ARPA Grants

The Common Council is meeting 03/16/2022 at 7PM. As was announced at the last Common Council meeting there will be no Covid-19 Update. There will also be no Mayoral Proclamations; however, Mayor Woodford will be making two commission/committee appointments. He’ll be recommending for appointment Jeri […]

Finance Committee Approves Communication, Technology, And Pedestrian Safety Resolution After Amending It To Reflect Staff Recommendations

The Finance Committee met 03/07/2022 and took up Resolution 2-R-22. This resolution was introduced on 01/19/2022 in response to Unlisted, LLC withdrawing from consideration for the city branding contract and as originally written, called for the money currently designated for the city rebranding effort to […]

A Recap Of The Long And Winding Paths Taken By The City Branding Resolution And The Resolution Reallocating The City Rebranding Funds

The City Branding Resolution and now the resolution that has come after it calling for the brand study funds to be reallocated have travelled some winding paths. A reader had suggested I recap what happened with them, which I thought was a good idea. A […]

Finance Committee Meeting 03/07/2022 – Will Take Up Resolution Reallocating City Brand Funds

The Finance Committee is meeting 03/07/2022 at 5:30PM. They will be at a minimum again discussing Resolution 2-R-22 which is the resolution that would take the money currently set aside for the city’s branding study and reallocate it as follows: $100,000 for an Appleton.org website […]

Finance Committee Votes To Hold Resolution Reallocating City Brand Funds Until March 7 Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee met 02/07/2022. There were six action items on the agenda. The committee spent the first five or so minutes approving five of those items, but the bulk of the meeting was taken up with discussion of Resolution 2-R-22 which would take the […]

Finance Committee Meeting 02/07/2022 – Will Discuss And Vote On Resolution 2-R-22 To Improve Communication, Technology, and Pedestrian Safety

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/07/2022 at 5:30PM. The first item on the agenda and the one I would expect to garner the most discussion is Resolution #2-R-22. If passed this resolution would take the money currently allocated for a city brand study and reallocate […]

Resolution #2-R-22 Calls To Allocate $61,495 More Than Needed For Enhanced Crosswalk Program

In light of Resolution #2-R-22‘s call to take $225,000 originally allocated for the city brand study and brand implementation and reallocate it to the enhanced crosswalk program, I reached out to Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey to get some background on the enhanced crosswalk […]

Finance Committee Decides To Hold Resolution Reallocating Brand Study Funds To Give Time To Receive Staff Feedback

On 01/24/2022 the Finance Committee voted to indefinitely hold the city brand study. After doing that they then moved on to consider and vote on Resolution #2-R-22. If passed as written, this resolution would take $475,000 from the funding previously set aside for the city […]