Honeybee Rescue Resolution Passes Through Board Of Health With Minor Changes

The Board of Health met 01/12/2022. The one action item they took up was the Honeybee Rescue Resolution. This resolution has not seemed to be controversial, and they spent only a couple minutes dealing with it. Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2), who is the main […]

Board of Health Meeting 01/12/2022 – Will Take Up Honeybee Rescue Resolution

The Board of Health is meeting 01/12/2022 at 7AM. They will be welcoming new member Emma Kane to the board. She has a Masters in Public Health and works for a non-profit organization named Community Action for Healthy Living. They have one action item with […]

Alderpersons Meltzer And Schultz Introduce Honeybee Rescue Resolution At 11/17/2021 Common Council Meeting

During the 11/17/2021 Common Council meeting Alderpersons Vered Meltzer (District 2) and Alex Schultz (District 9) submitted Resolution #15-R-21, the Honeybee Rescue Resolution. If passed, this resolution would update the section of the city’s Municipal Code related to the keeping of bees. Currently city code […]