Common Council Passes Amended Health Officer Resolution On 8-5 Vote

On 08/18/2021 the Appleton Common Council took up and ultimately approved Resolution 12-R-21 regarding health mandates and the hiring of a health officer. This resolution was sponsored by Alderpersons Joe Martin (District 4), Matt Reed (District 8), Sheri Hartzheim (District 13), and Chad Doran (District […]

Common Council Meeting 08/18/2021 – Will Receive Covid-19 Update, Vote On Electrical Code Updates, Discuss Health Officer Resolution, And Enter Closed Section To Deliberate On Bluff Site Development

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 08/18/2021. There will be a Covid-19 report. I would expect this report to touch on the number of breakthrough cases in people who have been fully vaccinated. That question had come up at the last Common Council meeting and […]

Board Of Health Takes Up Resolution On Covid Mandates And Health Officer Hiring – Amends Every Single Section

On 08/11/2021 the Board of Health took up and voted on Resolution 12-R-21. The discussion started out with Chairperson Cathy Spears asking, “Can I have a motion to get it on the table for discussion?” and another board member saying, “So moved.” [Normally when an […]

Board Of Health Meeting 08/11/2021 – Will Vote On Resolution Calling For The Expedited Hiring Of A Health Officer And No Further Health Mandates Until That Position Is Filled

The Board of Health is meeting 08/11/2021 at 7am. There are several information items on the agenda including a Covid-19 Update, a second quarter 2021 report, a second quarter budget performance review, and an update on approved noise variance request. The one action item is […]

Resolution 12-R-21 Introduced At Common Council; If Passed Would Call For The Expedited Hiring Of A Health Officer Before The City Implements Any Further Covid-19 Guidance Or Mandates

During the 08/04/2021 Common Council meeting Alderpersons Joe Martin (District 4), Sheri Hartzheim (District 13), Chad Doran (District 15), and Matthew Reed (District 8) introduced Resolution #12-R-21 which, if passed, would express “concern that the City has undertaken health initiatives and enacted a public health […]