Municipal Services Committee Meeting 10/23/2023 – Will Vote On Small Business Saturday Free Parking Request, Permitted Over-Night Parking Resolution, Variance For Driveway Extension

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/23/2023 at 4:30PM. There are three items on the agenda that I could see resulting in detailed discussion. The first is the request from Appleton Downtown Inc for free ramp and meter parking on Small Business Saturday. This item […]

Resolution 11-R-23 Introduced At 10/18/2023 Common Council Meeting – Resolution Would Allow Overnight On-Street Parking With Purchase Of A Monthly Permit

One resolution was introduced during the Common Council meeting on 10/18/2023. Resolution 11-R-23, the On-Street Overnight Parking Resolution was authored by Alderperson William Siebers (District 1). If passed as written, it would allow residents to park on city streets during the hours of 2AM and […]