Common Council Votes Down Resolution That Would Have Allowed On-Street Overnight Parking – Alderperson Siebers Indicates He Will Continue To Work On Finding Solutions

The Common Council met 05/15/2025. One of the items they separated out and took up individuals was Resolution 11-R-23 regarding allowing overnight on street parking. It ended up being voted down by a vote of 8-4. The resolution was prompted by parking issues experienced by […]

Common Council Meeting 05/15/2024 – Will Mark Fifth Anniversary Of AFD Fire Fighter Mitch Lundgaard’s Murder, Vote On Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution

The Common Council is meeting 05/15/2024 at 7PM. The mayor’s business portion of the agenda is somewhat heavy. Not only will Mayor Woodford be presenting 5 mayoral proclamations, but he will also be presenting the Appleton Police Department Civilian Community Service Award to Caleb Daguanno […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes 4-1 Against Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. The agenda item that took up the most amount of time was the resolution regarding on-street overnight parking, and the committee ended up voting 4-1 to deny it. Alderperson William Siebers made a motion to amend the resolution to […]

Municipal Services Committee Deadlocks On Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution – Votes To Hold It For 30 Days

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/08/2024. The item that took up the bulk of their time was the Resolution 11-R-23 which would allow overnight on-street parking with the purchase of a monthly parking permit. This resolution was first introduced back in October of 2023, but […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/08/2024 – Will Vote On On-Street Overnight Parking Resolution, Discuss Bird Scooter Bankruptcy

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/08/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on Resolution 11-R-23 regarding allowing overnight parking on city streets for people who purchase a monthly parking permit. This resolution was first introduced back in October of 2023, but was held several […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Overnight Parking Resolution Until 04/08/2024 Meeting – Hopes To Find Way To Meet DNR Stormwater Regulations While Also Allowing Overnight On-Street Parking

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/11/2024. One of the items they took up for discussion was Resolution 11-R-23 which calls for allowing overnight on-street parking with a monthly permit. This resolution was authored by Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) and was initially introduced back in […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 03/11/2024 – Will Vote On Overnight Street Parking Resolution, Proposal To Require Downtown Food Trucks/Street Vendors To Close At Midnight

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/11/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be taking up a number of action items including a couple street occupancy permits, proposed parking changes on Drew Street, and a proposed all way stop at the intersection of Capitol Drive and Conkey […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution Until March 2024 – Committee Provides Feedback On What They Would Like Staff To Investigate Further

The Municipal Services Committee met 12/11/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 11-R-23 which, if passed as written, would allow on-street overnight parking in the city with the purchase of a parking permit. At the request of staff, the committee voted to […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 12/11/2023 – Will Take Up Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution, Parking Facility Study Resolution, 2024 Department Of Public Works Fee Schedule

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 12/11/2023 at 4:30PM. They have a full agenda. That includes two resolutions. They will be taking up Resolution 11-R-23 which if passed would allow overnight parking on city streets with the purchase of a parking permit. This resolution was […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution For 30 Days To Allow Staff Review

The Municipal Services Committee met 10/24/2023. The final action item they took up was Resolution 11-R-23. If passed as written, this resolution would allow for overnight on-street parking by people who have purchases monthly parking passes. The committee voted to hold it for a month […]