Board Of Education Meeting 05/23/2022 – Will Review Preliminary Results Of Referendum Community Survey

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 05/23/2022 at 6PM. There are a number of items on the agenda including the charter contract renewal for Renaissance School for the Arts and the Mega Results Interpretation and Indicators. The item probably of the […]

Board Of Education Receives Update Regarding Second Round Of Referendum Focus Group Sessions

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 01/24/2022. AASD Chief Financial Officer Greg Hartjes gave them an update on the referendum focus group meetings that had taken place on Tuesday January 18th and Thursday January 20th. The focus group attendees had been asked […]

AASD Chief Financial Officer Greg Hartjes Answers Questions About Proposed Referendum

I’ve been engaging in an email conversation with Appleton Area School District Chief Financial Officer Greg Hartjes regarding the proposed referendum. He was kind enough to answer a number of questions. I briefly considered trying to organize them by subject matter but ultimately decided to […]

Board Of Education Receives Update On Referendum Focus Groups

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 01/10/2022. Chief Financial Officer Greg Hartjes provided a brief update on the referendum process. The week before the board meeting, AASD held two focus group sessions with the purpose of gathering feedback from “representative parents and […]

Board Of Education Discusses In Greater Detail The Details And Timing Of A Referendum

Now that the Appleton Area School District has committed to going to a referendum to ask the taxpayers for more funding, I thought I would recap the key meetings that lead up to that decision. The AASD Board of Education had their discussion at the […]

Board Of Education Receives Presentation On Finances And Enrollment Numbers Related To Referendum – If Referendums Don’t Pass, Taxes Will Go Down By $100 For A $100,000 Property

Since the Appleton Area School District Board of Education has decided to continue on the path of a referendum, I thought I should go back and review the information from some of the previous meetings regarding this. Yesterday I posted a recap of the first […]

Board Of Education Receives Overview Of Proposed $98 Million Referendum

Now that AASD has committed to going down the referendum path I thought it would be a good time to go back and review the factors that are driving that decision. During the 09/30/2021 Board of Education work session, Chief Financial Officer Greg Hartjes reviewed […]

AASD Board Of Education Receives Updates On Referendum Process And Plans

Planning surrounding a potential Appleton Area School District referendum has been discussed at both the November 22, 2021 Board of Education meeting as well as the most recent meeting on December 13, 2021. On November 22, AASD Chief Financial Officer Greg Hartjes reviewed the draft […]

Alderperson Matt Reed’s Speech On The Non-Partisan Redistricting Referendum – “These People Are Not Accountable To The Voters”

Although District 8’s alderperson Matt Reed voted in favor of putting the non-partisan redistricting referendum on the April 6 ballot, he did express concerns about the actual aims of the referendum and the practical ramifications of implementing a non-partisan redistricting process. He was concerned that […]

More Details On Citizen Push For Non-Partisan Redistricting Referendum

Alderperson Denise Fenton was kind enough to go into more detail about the citizen push that prompted the Common Council to put the nonpartisan redistricting referendum question on the April 6 ballot. Former State Assembly Representative Penny Bernard Schaber and an additional person proactively reached […]