Utilities Committee Receives Update On December 2022 Polymer Incident – Attorney Abshire Does Not Know If A Formal Report About The Incident Will Be Provided To The Committee

The Utilities Committee met 06/12/2023. One of the items they received an update on was the wastewater treatment plant Polymer Incident of 12/26/2022. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download. During that incident 4-5 months’ worth of treatment chemicals were dumped into the […]

Utilities Committee Receives Update On Polymer Incident

The Utilities Committee met 03/07/2023. One of the items they received an update on was the wastewater treatment plant Polymer Incident of 12/26/2022. During that incident 4-5 months’ worth of treatment chemicals were dumped into the wastewater treatment plant’s system which stopped their digesters and […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 03/07/2023 – Will Receive Update On Polymer Incident Including Estimate Of Costs And Revenue Loss

The Utilities Committee is meeting 03/07/2023 at 4:30PM The action items consist of approving the 2022 Annual Stormwater Report to the DNR and awarding the 2023 Native Landscape Management Contract to NEW Ecological Services in an amount not to exceed $215,000. There are quite a […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Council With Update On 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident – Praises The Hard Work Of Staff Which Helped Avoid A More Serious Issue

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. In addition to the update on the Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park proposal, Mayor Woodford also provided an update on the Polymer Incident that the wastewater treatment plan experienced on 12/26/2022. I’ve provided a complete transcript of the discussion for […]

Common Council Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Receive Updates On Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal, The 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident At Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Common Council is meeting 02/15/2023 at 7PM. The committee meetings last week were all pretty tame, so I would not expect any of them to result in long drawn-out discussions in the Council meeting, although some, such as the Legal Services reorganization, may be […]

Utilities Committee Discusses Boxing Day Polymer Incident – 4-5 Months Of Cationic Polymer Emptied Into Anaerobic Digester In One Day

The Utilities Committee met 01/10/2023. Much of the meeting was taken up with discussion of the Polymer Incident of December 26, 2022. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the discussion for your downloading pleasure. I find it all very interesting, but because I don’t know […]