Parks And Recreation Committee Votes To Hold Ellen Kort Peace Park No Mow May Resolution Until June – Discusses Ways To Focus On Promoting Pollinator Health Outside Of Letting Grass Grow Long

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 05/08/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 4-R-23 which called for Ellen Kort Peace Park to participate in No Mow May. This item was originally supposed to be taken up at the April 24 meeting, but […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 05/08/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution To Have Ellen Kort Peace Park Participate In No Mow May

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 05/08/2023. They have two items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve a modification to the committee’s meeting time, so that it meets at 6:15PM instead of 6:30PM. Because they would be meeting less than […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Receives Update On Lundgaard Park – Discusses Fundraising Efforts

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 04/24/2023. One of the information items they received was an update on Lundgaard Park. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download. Lundgaard Park was named after Mitch Lundgaard, the Appleton firefighter who was killed by Ruben Houston […]

Finance Committee Approves Agreement To Lease Dance Studio Space In Northland Mall

The Finance Committee met 04/24/2023. One of the items they voted on was a request to approve leasing space in the Northland Mall for dance studio space contingent on approval of a potential development agreement related to City Center. The Finance Committee voted 5-0 to […]

Due To Public Notice Concern, Parks And Recreation Committee Votes To Hold Ellen Kort Peace Park No Mow May Resolution At Committee For 2 Weeks

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 04/24/2023. One of the items sort of on the agenda was Resolution 4-R-23, the resolution that would have Ellen Kort Peace Park left un-mowed during the month of May as part of No Mow May. The committee ended up […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 04/24/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution Calling For Ellen Kort Peace Park To Participate In No Mow May

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 04/24/2023 at 6:30PM. They will be electing a vice-chair, designating a contact person, and setting the meeting date and time. Additionally, they will be receiving updates on Lundgaard Park and dance studios for the Parks and Recreation programing. […]

Finance Committee Meeting 04/24/2023 – Will Vote On Northland Mall Rental Space, Adding Additional Space In City Center, Approving Agreement With Goodwill To Fund Upgrades To Miracle Field In Memorial Park

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/24/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be taking care of some housekeeping items associated with the start of the new Council year including electing a vice-chair and electing members to serve on various boards. There are also 5 non-housing keeping action […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Approves Irish Fest Special Event At Jones Park, Updates To Athletic Facilities Rental And Fee Schedule Policy

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 04/10/2023. They had two action items on the agenda which were (1) to approve a request for Irish Fest of the Fox Cities to hold a private ticketed event in Jones Park on September 15-16, 2023 and (2) to […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 04/10/2023 – Will Vote On Irish Fest, Updates To City Athletic Facility Rental Policy And Fee Schedule

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 04/10/2023 at 6:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is to approve the request from Irish Fest to hold a ticketed, private, special event at Jones Park on September 15-16. The organizers are expecting […]

Trout Museum Of Art Drops Plan To Build In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Cites “Greater Than Expected Financial And Regulatory Burden Related To The Site’s Clean Up”

The Trout Museum has announced that it will no longer be pursuing its plan to build a facility on the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. Per a press release from the museum, “The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment performed by Westwood Professional Services on […]