Municipal Services Committee Meeting 03/20/2023 – Will Vote On Bird Scooters Agreement, College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration, Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/20/2023 at 4:30PM. The agenda is pretty full with three items in particular that may stand out to the public. One is the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Appleton and Bird Rides for an e-scooter program. This […]

Common Council Approves Resolution Making “No Mow May” A Permanent Part Of Municipal Code, Allows Early Enforcement Against Abandoned Or Unoccupied Properties, Makes No Changes To Lawn Height Requirements

The Common Council met 03/16/2022 and took up Resolution #3-R-22 regarding Municipal Code Chapter 12, Article III, Weeds and Wild Growth (i.e., the “No Mow May” resolution.) They amended it several times and then voted to approve it, permanently ensconcing No Mow May in the […]

Municipal Services Committee Declines To Put “No Mow May” Permanently Into Municipal Code, Instead Approves Resolution Recommending It Take Place In 2022 In Line With Past Practices

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/07/2022 and devoted around 50 minutes of the meeting to discussing and voting on Resolution 3-R-2022, the Weeds and Wild Growth resolution. As originally proposed, this resolution would have permanently added “No Mow May” to Appleton’s Municipal Code and also […]